Chapter 9

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(Sometime after Eliza had returned from Z-corp and the aliens had come to Seabrook)
Wynter, Eliza, Bucky, Bree, Addison and Goldie (One of Addison's human friends, who is also Officer Sus, Sorry Gus's daughter) were in the forest.

"I'm bored!" said Bree.
Goldie sat on a tree trunk. She put her head in her hands and tried to think of something to do.
Suddenly, she sat up straight.
"Why don't we play Zombie tag?" She asked.
Everyone looked at her in confusion.
"What's Zombie tag?" Asked Addison.
"Something I just made up!" Goldie answered.
Goldie was quite a bit younger than the rest of them - she was only 12.
Goldie told everyone to gather nearby her whilst she explained it.
"Does this have something to do with me?" Asked Eliza.
"Yes, I thought you'd have realised that. I literally called it Zombie tag! You're the only zombie here." Answered Goldie.

Goldie explained how to play.
"It's simple! Basically, You take the zombie's Z-band off and..."

"WAIT! What!?", Eliza shouted," That's the worst thing you could do in your so-called game!"

"As I was saying, You take the zombie's Z-band off and put it in the middle. Whoever can get it back on the zombie without getting their brain eaten is the winner."Goldie said, ignoring Eliza.

"That's a very..." Eliza started.

Suddenly, Eliza stopped talking and began breathing heavily, her veins seemed to pop out and her eyes seemed to sink into her skull. Goldie had taken off her Z-band. She launched it into the middle.

The glass shattered but otherwise, it seemed okay after she threw it. They began to play and it was quite fun.

That is until it wasn't. After a while, it began to be not fun, not fun at all.

Wynter was running. She was panting hard as well. The Z-band was nearby her. She could see it. She could smell it. She pressed on and without stopping she grabbed it. Then, Bucky came running up to her. He tried to grab the Z-band from her. Bucky and Wynter's eyes met. Everyone knew how competitive Bucky was and so he wanted to be the winner.
No one knows how it happened but somehow in her rush to be the winner, Wynter had dropped the Z-band. One minute it was in her hand, the next it was on the floor.
In other words - It was broken.
Completely and utterly broken.
"Oh No!" Bucky and Wynter said in union.
Then, they ran through the forest after the others. They needed the Z-patrol but nobody wanted to tell them and get Eliza (or anyone else) in trouble.

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