Chapter 3

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That's Gabriela's dad! :D
His name is: Taylor


Gabriela's POV

So, dad took me to a bowling alley for the first time in my life and let's just say that the security guards and the employees will be replaying over and over the security footage of last night. I'll tell ya all about it, but you're not allowed to laugh. This is serious. I could've died or slipped into a coma or injured myself very bad. Okay, I may be overreacting, but that's how it felt last night. So, here's what happened...

Last night interesting events...

"We're here!" Dad announced making me open my eyes so quick that I had to close them because there was this white light that was so bright that I'm surprised it didn't burn my retinas. (They are this things inside your eyes which are responsible for your sight. Without them, you wouldn't be able to see. Shut up! I watch Grey's Anatomy okay? Its an instresting and entertaining show...)
Anyway, once my eyes adjusted to the light, which was way brighter than the sun's, I stepped out of the car, rushed inside the building to shield myself from the abmormaly bright light and looked around examining my surroundings.

"A bowling alley?! Oh my God! Dad, you're the best!" I squealed like a twelve year old hormonal teenager when they see their favorite celebrity which made dad laugh.

"Happy birthday my Little Mermaid." Dad whispered while hugging me. Since I was little I had an obsession with princess Ariel from the Little Mermaid, so dad inscribed me in swimming lessons, I even played WaterPolo. Then I quit the pool and started going to the beach every Saturday to surf with uncle Jack and my cousin Frank. Sometimes even dad would join us when he didn't had work to do. He would even gather the whole family and we would have a BBQ on the beach. But since I got this job, I haven't been able to go to the beach anymore. I work ten hours everyday from Monday to Saturday and sometimes I have to stay longer at the office finishing paper work that my boss gives me which can be a LOT depending on his mood.

"Thank you daddy!" I whispered and let go of him. We walked to the counter and got our shoes. Now, I've never been to a bowling alley before, so I have no clue of what to do. The closest to bowling I've been was when I play this bowling game in Wii with my cousins.

"Um...ours is 21. You go and sit there while I grab our balls. (And no. Its Bowling balls! You dirty minded!)" Dad told me and I nodded. When he came back with our balls, he put our names on the board and the game began. First was him and I must say that he looked like a pro. He did a strike on the first throw and he didn't even stretched!

"Okay Gaby. You're up now." Dad patted my back and say on the bench. I picked my orange ball with both hands since it was a little heavy. It had three holes and I stuck my fingers in there. I tried to remember the game from the Wii and dad's movements and tried to imitate both. Key word: tried. As soon as I swung the ball, the force and weight of it threw me backwards making me land on my butt. Dad came rushing towards me with a worried expression which turned into a smirk when he saw that I was okay. He clearly was holding in his laughter which I mentally thanked him for. Dad's laughs is one of those laughs that could be heard all around the world to China.

"Are you okay?" He asked while pulling me up.

"I'm going again." I said determined to make some points. I picked my ball and positioned myself. Okay. So going with the regular swing and throw isn't going to work for me, so I'm going to make my own style. I grabbed the ball with both hands, closed my right eye and aimed at the middle. I squared down, swung the ball between my legs and let go. When I let go, both my arms went up like a little kid does when he wants his mom to carry him which earned me a roar of laughter from my dad, a few employees and some of the people that was there. It was embarrassing, but I didn't care at the moment. All my attention was on my ball that was rolling in a straight line through the middle. When it reached the pins, it knocked them all down which means that I just made a strike.

"YES!!! In your face!" I shouted happily and started doing my happy dance and I may or may not have skipped around dad while singing We Are The Champions. Once I was done, I was sweating a little and panting. I looked up to see dad wiping away his tears from laughing so much, but I kept hearing laughter. I turned around and people were laughing, clapping, cheering and hiving me compliments. And guess what? Nathaniel was there laughing also with a group of guys. Well, all of them were laughing except this guy with tattoos, long dark brown curly hair and green eyes. He just kept on staring at me like a creep, barely blinking. His intense stare made me feel uncomfortable, so I told dad that I wanted to go home and I hurried to the truck and got in. We drove home, I went straight to my room and fell asleep.

Back to present time...

So, now I'm grocery shopping. Between dad, my uncles and cousins, is necessary to go grocery shopping every week because they are bottomless pits. I was loadind the food in the trunk and I felt chills, like when somebody is watching you. I looked around, but saw no one except for the people that were loading their groceries in their cars, or cars passing by. I shrugged that feeling off and hopped inside my car and drove home.
After putting away the groceries in cabinets and the fridge, I took a cold shower and slipped on some green shorts and a black tank top since I'm not wearing a bra.

Mikael's POV

I'm in my wolf form staring at her while she puts on clothes. Good. I don't think that I could've been able to control myself any longer if she had stayed naked for another minute. Those perfect breasts, that skin that looks so soft, that hair that smells so good, those eyes that draw you in like bees to honey and those lips, fuck! Those full pink lips that are just waiting for mine to devour them and for my teeth to mark them.
When she went back to her bathroom, I jumped off the tree branch and climbed up to her balcony. I hid under a chair and stared at her. She sat in her bed and started watching American Ninja Warrior which is one of my favorite shows too.
I stayed here all night watching her, studying her until she fell asleep. I quickly shifted to my human form and walked up to her. I turned off the telly and placed the blanket over her. I wiped away the hair that blocked her beautiful face from my sight and kissed her forehead. I stared at her lips that were slightly parted. The temptation was too much to resist, so i leaned down and kissed her. Her lips tasted like strawberries, oranges, vanilla and a little bit of mint. I swiped my tongue over her lips and entered her mouth. She moved a little and I panicked, but relaxed when I saw that she was still asleep. I cupped her face with my hands and straddled her waist. Now she started kissing me back in her sleep. I was slightly disappointed that she wasn't conscious, but oh well, I took what I could get. Her tongue danced with mine and she moaned making me growl. I was hard as fuck and ready to mark her. I stopped right when I heard her father's loud truck turning the corner. I gave her lips one last kiss and jumped off the balcony in my wolf from and ran towards Zander's house.


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