Chapter 16

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Mikael's POV

This time, Gabriela insisted she took a shower alone, but I still waited for her seated patiently on the toilet. We still talked about random stuff while she showered and she sounded happy, buy I knew that this wouldn't last long. Last night was.... I don't even have the fucking words to bloody describe it, but there's one thing I was thinking about the whole time apart from finding Gabriela and it was death. If you thought that I was going to bring them to my territory to leave them in cells to torture them, I must tell you that you're very wrong. Once I castrated that piece of shit, I took Gabriela and left her on my car that Zander brought over there when I went to rescue her. Once she was safe, I dressed her with my clothes. I don't care if the lads see me naked, as long as Gaby is covered, its worth the possible humiliation and teasing of them. I kissed her forehead and closed the door, but left the car on just in case. I ran back to the house in my semi wolf form and finished off the rest of them. Nate, Zander and the others didn't got to do much except throw a few punches and kicks because I wanted them for myself. My friends holded them, while I tortured them right there and once I was finished, I ripped their heads off with my bare hands, then left with my mate while they took care of the corpses. I drove home and Zara came running towards me "crying". Zara is my pack's whore practically. I've been planning on kicking her out, but her father was my father's best friend so its not that easy. He's also a member of the elders since he helped my father built this pack. I'm just waiting for her to do something really stupid, so then I have the perfect excuse to kick her out and John won't be able to do anything else but accept it.

"Oh my goddess! What happened? Are you okay?" She bombarded me with questions in this annoying high voice of her.

"Some rogues, but I took care of it." I picked Gabriela and walked towards my house closing the door on Zara's face blocking myself from her and her fake...well...everything. I took Gaby to our room and bathed her. She was barely conscious enough to do what I told her to and to answer what I asked her. Once I erased those asshole's traces from our bodies, I dressed her in white underwear, but then remembered something and took off her bra and putted on her one of my baby blue shirts.

Then we slept and now we're in the kitchen eating boiled eggs, toast and juice. She's wearing a blue shirt with her initials and short spandex and her hair is loose. She's so perfect while I'm a mess. I have a lot of tattoos, my hair is messy and long and my body is weird. We're complete opposites and she deserves someone better, but I'm too selfish to let her go and let another man have her.

"What?" She asks me with wide eyes and wipes all her face thinking she had food in it.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how beautiful you are and how bloody lucky I am." I tell her and she blushes. We clean the plates and I sit on the couch in the living room while she brushes her teeth. I was being lazy, so I just popped a mint gum in my mouth.

"Mikael?" Gabriela said quietly from the door frame and she looked worried.

"Yes baby?" I replied and stood in front of her with my hands on her waist.

"Um....last night..." She mumbled, but I cut her off

"Its taken care of. You have nothing to worry about." I reassure her and kiss her softly, then I felt tears that came from her.

"Its just that...they...they were going to.... What if they come back?"

"Shhh. They won't. I personally made sure of that. And let me assure you that they felt pain and cried until the end." I told her and she hugged me tight.

"Thank you." She whispered with her head against my chest. I wiped away her tears with my thumb and rocked us back and forth. Moments later she looked up at me and gave me a small smile. I smiled at her and kissed her with pure love. No lust, no desperation, only love.
She opened her mouth and slipped her tongue inside my mouth taking me by surprise. I gladly tangled my tongue with hers and we fought for dominance. She pulled away too soon and I growled involuntarily. She was blushing and looking down. I look down and saw why she was blushing. My friend over there got too excited and was practically in full display since I was wearing loose sweatpants and had no underwear. I smirked at her, pecked her lips and went to my bathroom to take care of the problem.
Once I was done, I washed my hands and washrd y face that was covered in sweat and went back to the living room. Gabriela was bent down looking at the movies and what pissed me off was when I saw Nate looking at her from the front door and he fucking licked his lips. I growled loudly and covered Gabriela with my body.


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