•Chapter 1: The Beginning

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† Rose Mary Stiller †

Being alone is not easy at all. Being alone, you felt lonely. No one is taking care of you and most of all no one gives you love.

I am Mary Rose Stiller, age 18. I was born here in Ontario, Canada. My parents died four months ago. So right now I'm living on my own life.

"Thank you sir, enjoy." I smiled as I handed him his order.

I work as an waitress in a restaurant here in Ontario. I need to work to live, to buy something to eat and to pay for all the bills in our old house. I already stopped attending school since the day my parents died.

"Mary, you know you can go home now. You've been working for about 7 hours already." Kelly said.

Kelly is a friend of mine. She was older than me. She even helped me with all the things so I'm thankful about her.

"No it's ok Kelly."

"No it's not ok. Come on you need to rest now sweetie. Look at you, you look like you never sleep on the entire night."


"No buts. Please Mary you need to rest."

I closed my eyes for a moment and sighed "Fine." I glanced at her "Thank you Kelly." I said giving her a hug.

"No problem I just want the best for you. Now go." she smiled.

I chuckled "Bye."

Before leaving, I went to my locker and grabbed all my things. I glanced down at my wrist watch. It's already four in the afternoon. I haven't eaten' anything so I'll just cook something later on.

Our house has only one story. When I have no money left, I used to sell some of the things here in our house but I can't sell this house. This house is very important to me because my parents work so hard to get this house.

While unlocking the door I heard something on the bushes that was on the side. I quickly turned around but no one is around so I just shrugged. As I successfully opened my door, I heard something on the bush again. Ok?

I dropped my bag on the porch and walked toward the bush "Is someone there?"

I heard whimpering on the other side.


I knelt down. What if this is a wild animal? What if it's a bear? A wolf? A lion or a tiger?

"Well here goes nothing." I opened the bush and I saw a...dog?

I sighed in relief atleast it's not a wild animal. Why in the world there's a dog here in the bush?

"Hey there." I cooed "Come on I'm not going to hurt you..."

The dog slowly walked toward me. He was kinda scared I think? The dog has a golden brown furr and he is so cute. Aww…

"Why are you here? Are you lost?"

He nodded his head. Maybe that's a yes.

"Do you have an owner?"

He shook his head again.

I smiled at him. He started licking my hand "Aww you're so cute." I cooed, scratching his ear making him, waggling his tail.

I have an idea.

"So you are lost and you have no owner. I guess I'll be you're owner now, how's that?"

He barked while waggling his tail. I can tell he was happy about the idea.

I chuckled as I stood up and patted his head "Come on buddy."

He barked happily.

I walked toward the house and he was following me. My bag is still on the porch before I could pick that up he grabbed it using his mouth. Wow this dog sure is smart.

"Thank you."

He walked inside the house and he put the bag on the couch.


I sat on the couch "What will I name you? hmm..."


He shook his head.


He made a weird sound while shaking his head.

"What about Drew?"

He barked while waggling his tail.

I chuckled "So that's a yes."

Gosh I'm so hungry. I don't even know what will I cook cause I'm not sure if there's still a food left inside the refrigerator. Well I'll go check.

I stood up, went to the kitchen and then opened the refrigerator.

"Let's see bread, veggies and ham?" I sighed "I'll just make some sandwich for dinner."

No choice.


I fed Drew by giving him the half of my sandwich.

"Sorry that's the only food I can give to you." I said as I patted his head.

He barked and then he licked my hand.

I giggled "You're so cute."

I looked down at my wrist watch. It's already 8:10pm. Wow time flies. Even though it's still early I feel exauhsted and all I want to do is sleep.

I walked to my room and Drew followed me.

My room is not big at all. I only have one single bed and a closet inside my room.

I laid down on my bed and then I looked at Drew "Hey buddy you know you can sleep beside me."

He wagged his tail.

"Come here." I patted the bed.

He made a sound and he walked slowly toward me. I chuckled "It's ok Drew, are you shy?"

He climbed on my bed and he laid beside me. I scooted beside him so we can fit on my bed. Well he is a big doggy. His furr is so soft and warm. He looked at me and I stared on his eyes. His eyes are golden brown, they are so beautiful like you are staring on a boy's eyes.

I stroked his furr "Now we are besfriend."

He barked and then he licked my cheek.

I giggled "You know you are a smart doggy."

He barked again.

I yawned "I'm already sleepy so I'll sleep now."then I kissed his head "Night Drew."

I laid my head on his body. His making me warm now I feel comfortable.

Atleast I have someone here now and I'm not alone anymore.

† Justin Bieber †

I watched her as she fell asleep.

Goodnight Rose I said through my mind.

I promised God I will protect this girl no matter what happen.


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