•Chapter 21: Overprotective

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Rose Mary Stiller

Its been two days ago since the incident happened and I noticed that Justin is a bit overprotective these past few days. I don't even understand why does he have to be like that and its a little bit annoying sometimes but cute at the same time.

"Rose!" I quickly turned around and I saw Jaked walking toward me.

"Jake? What are you doing here?" I asked confusingly.

"I came to see you!" He said while grinning.

I gave him a sly smile "Have you seen Justin? He told me he'll pick me up but its already been an hour and he is still not yet here."

He shrugged "I was walking around the town and I wasn't yet home since this morning."


Where is he now? He said that I won't leave this place unless he is here and of course I obeyed his wishes. He even planned something for us again but I guess its not happening now. And I even tried calling him and he did not pick up his phone.

"I can walk you home if that's okay with you?" He asked shyly making me chuckle.

"Of course that's okay."

"Shall we go?"

I gave him a nod. And with that we started walking. We made a little conversation on the way home. I asked him again if he remember something but to my luck, nothing. I guess it will take time for him to get his memories back so all we have to do is just be patient.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Jake as I we walked toward the kitchen.


"Okay I'll see if I can make something."

He nodded "Alright."

I immediately stopped when I saw Justin sitting on the chair, sleeping and the food during breakfast is still there. Is that why he wasn't answering his phone? Seriously?

I sighed as I went to the fridge grabbing something that I can make for Jake.

"Jake? Is peanut butter and jelly okay with you? I'll just make something later for dinner!" I said a bit loud so Jake can hear me who's in the living room.

"Yeah that's okay! Thank you!" He replied.

I put the bread and the peanut butter and jelly on the counter. I heard some movements and someone was groaning. And I knew that Justin is already waking up so I ignored him as I prepared the food.

"Ugh...." I heard the chair moved "What the---Rose?"

"You're awake." I mumbled still not looking at him.

"Wait why are you home early?"

"Its already five thirty in the afternoon, Justin."

"What!?" He said a little bit louder "You could've called me!"

I was getting mad so I quickly faced him "I've been calling you for about twenty times, Bieber!"

I don't even understand why he have to get mad at me when clearly its not my fault he fell asleep in the first place!

"What---Wait...I fell asleep?"

"Congrats for guessing!" I hissed angrily.

"Oh God! I'm sorry Rose--I did not know---"

"Whatever." I huffed as I grabbed the plate on the counter and then leaving him from the kitchen.

"Rose I'm sorry I don't know what---"

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