Sunday, October 13

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I'm in the most Horrible mood right now! I'm So totally dreading school tomorrow

If I hear one more girl mention that stupid dance, I'm going to Scream!! I keep going someone ask, but it's not going to happen

My life is hopeless as I lay my head down on the desk

Tonight mom and my little sister Brianna were putting up decorations for Halloween

I knew what was coming next because it happens every single year

Brianna sneaks up on everyone and tries to scare us with this big stupid looking plastic spider

It kinda annoys me because I be walking down the hallway and suddenly she jumps out of no where

It almost like a Maxwell family Halloween tradition or something mom says

Both of my parents put on this huge act of pretending, and of course it's boosts her ego

Personally I don't think it's healthy to encourage her like that, she already have a huge ego already

I dreaded when she finally start attending middle school

I already knew what was going to happen

Brianna's going to take that plastic spider to school and shake it at people because she thinks it's appropriate

And everyone will laugh at her

My parents need to realize that raising an impressionable child like Brianna is a big responsibility

Anyway, I was up in my room as always sitting at my desk

Every night after finishing my homework I would pull out my diary and write my day out

Today I was studying for the French test

I was feeling a little grumpy because I was having a hard time remembering which nouns in French are masculine versus feminine

Then I had to get my period today so I was dealing with cramps

It only been over a month since I started to have them

Sure enough Brianna shows up like I expected

But what I didn't expect was it to be a real spider making me freak out well Brianna was absolutely clueless

She started laughing

I don't know how I thought that real spider was Brianna's fake one

Hers was purple with pink hearts on it and wearing high top sneakers and drawn on smile, it looked like the type of spider you find living in a Barbie dream house

After that experience, I'll never forget that spider in French araignée

But is it a machine noun or a feminine noun?....

I'm totally going to fail this stupid test

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