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After getting over my shock, and calming my heart down, Eddie and I made our way backstage to spy on Jesse Rabbit.

He was already in his dressing room and we hid as soon as we saw Marlene walking towards his door. She fixed herself up and knocked, waiting for Jesse to open the door.

I squinted my eyes at her. "Who is it?" I heard Jesse say with a smooth voice from the other side.

My tail unconsciously swayed making me grab so it could stop. 'Curse his deep, amazing, smooth voice.' I thought as Eddie and I watched Marlene smile at the door that opened up.

"Jesse, my dear, have no fear. Your Marlene is here." She chuckled as she waltzed into the room, making Jesse close the door. Eddie and I slowly walked out of our hiding spot and walked closer towards Jesse's door. "You sure murdered 'em again tonight, baby. I really mean it. My darling, you were superb." I heard Marlene complement Jesse as my ears twitched in irritation. "You absolutely, truly and honestly 'fashmolyed' that audience." She said as Eddie bent down and tried to look through the keyhole. "You killed them. You slayed them. You belted them into little pieces."

'Suck up.' I thought while glaring at the door. I obviously heard everything clearly since I have heightened feline senses. I suddenly felt someone walk behind us, and I guess Eddie felt it, too, since he and I turned around.

I smiled sheepishly at Bongo as he towered over the both of us. But he was glaring at Eddie.

"What do you think you're doin', chump?" Bongo asked Eddie with a glare.

"Who are you callin' a chump, chimp?" Eddie insulted the ape making me sigh at him.

"Really, Eddie?" I asked him just as Bongo grabbed him by the coat and started to walk off with me trailing behind him.

He opened the backdoor and threw Eddie towards the trash bins that piled up. I winced as Eddie crashed, not so gracefully, into the bins.

"And don't let me catch your peepin' face around here again! Got it?" Bongo yelled at Eddie as I turned to face him with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry about that, Bongo. Hope to see you soon." I smiled, waving at him as I walked towards a pain filled Eddie.

"Same here, y/n." He smiled back as he closed the door.

Eddie, at this point, had already gotten up and glared at the closed door. "Ooga-booga!" He yelled, imitating an ape. I rolled my eyes at his immatureness, soon looking away from him and spotting an open window. The lights were on, so I guess there were people in there.

Eddie soon started to approach the window I was looking at as I followed him. He hopped on the ledge a bit, but quickly hopped down and hid.

"It's Jesse Rabbit's room." He whispered to me making me nod as I got closer to him, taking out my camera so I could take some pictures.

Eddie moved a crate in front of me so I could stand on, making me thank him silently as I stood on the crate.

"Come, Jesse. Come over here. I got everything arranged, right here on the bed." I heard Marlene say as I took a peek inside the room, hiding out of plain sight. Eddie was below me, leaning against the wall as he waited for the pictures to be taken.

"Oh, not tonight, Marlene. I have a headache." Jesse answered the woman as he walked towards her with a hand on his hip.

I gulped down my saliva as I glanced at his body. But now isn't the time for that. Plus, you can't just like someone based on their appearance or how attractive they are. They also have to have a good personality and a good heart.

A Rabbit stole my heart (Jesse Rabbit x reader)Where stories live. Discover now