Ink and paint club

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Eddie and I walked out of Maroons office, him looking at the check as I stuffed my hands in my pockets.

We passed by a stuck up ostrich, who humphed at us while walking into Maroons office. I scoffed at her and walked down the stairs with Eddie.

He put the check in his pocket just as a woman ran past us upstairs. Then it was a frog. Once we made it to the bottom, we looked around at all the toons here. We looked to our right and saw some toon brooms sweeping up the trash everyone has littered.

A pelican soon came out of the building they were sweeping in front of, clumsily riding his bike.

"W-Whoop! Whoop!" The pelican yelped as he rang his little bell. The fish inside his mouth took a look outside.

"Oh, excuse me!" I heard a lady say from behind Eddie and I. I turned around and smiled at the hippopotamus with a tutu, moving a bit so she could pass.

We soon walked through all the toon chaos, looking to our left and noticing how the pelican crashed his bike. The letters he had in his bag flying everywhere.

We continued walking and saw some cows practicing their voices. We suddenly stopped when we saw the same lady hippo sit down on a bench with a guy, resulting in the bench snapping in half and making the guy fly up.

I winced at the sight, feeling bad for both of them. We soon started to move a little since tiny people were walking passed us.

We quickly walked out of Maroon Studios, running up to the trolley that was right there waiting.

We ran towards the doors, that a man was closing. He stopped as Eddie held up a check with a hopeful smile. The man glared at him in annoyance.

"What do I look like, a bank?" He asked as he closed the doors on us. I sighed tiredly, but knew what we had to do next.

The trolley started to move away as Eddie pocketed the check. We both hopped on the back with two kids, another kid running up to catch up to the trolley.

"Wait for me!" The kid yelled making the two kids yell at him to hurry it up.

"Come on!" His friend yelled.

"Wait up!" The kid shouted as he ran towards us.

"You can do it, kid!" I yelled, reaching my hand out so he can grab.

"Come on, hurry up! Come on, Sig!" The kid yelled at Sig as he neared us, grabbing my hand as I hoisted him up. I sat him down next to me, smiling at him proudly.

"Hey, fellas, ain't you got a car?" The kid with the dirty face asked as he looked at us.

"Who needs a car in L.A.? We got the best public transportation system in the world." Eddie explained as he gestured to the trolley.


The trolley was slowly driving to our destination, so Eddie and I hopped off as the kids waved at us with smiles.

"Hey, so long." The chubby kid waved.

"See you later!" Sig yelled.

"So long, mister and miss." The dirty faced boy waved.

"Thanks for the cigarettes." Eddie nodded in their direction as he put the two cigarettes in his pocket.

"Remember what I told you three!" I yelled at them with a smile as they all gave me a thumbs up. I chuckled as Eddie and I walked towards our building.

"Hi, Harry." I greeted the man with a smile while Eddie fixed our sign.

"Hey, Eddie, y/n. How's it going?" Harry asked us as he fished out some letters for us.

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