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I grabbed onto the seat for dear life as we raced by multiple cars that were on the street.

"And how about those Brooklyn Dodgers?" Benny asked us, looking back at us instead of the road. "Are they bums, or what?"

"I don't think we can answer that right now!" I yelled, looking back and noticing that the weasels were right behind us.

"Benny, Eddie, y/n, we got company!" Roger yelled as he pointed at the weasels van.

"Will you look at these two? Excuse me, ladies!" Benny shouted as he swerved in between two cars. Roger and Eddie shouted in fear while my eyes grew wide. "Now that's what I call a couple of road hogs." Benny joked as he passed the two cars.

A gun shot was heard, making Roger duck down in fear. I looked up front, my lips quivering when I saw the Red Car.

"Benny, watch out!" I yelled out as the taxi made a rough U-Turn. He drove in the other direction, but now the police were after us.

"Benny, there's cops right behind us!" Roger announced as his body almost fell out of the car. Luckily, I grabbed him and brought him in before he fell out.

"Not for long, Roger." Benny smirked as he reversed himself into an alleyway. "Now they're right in front of us." He shouted. And sure enough, the cops were right in front of us.

"Turn us back around! Turn us back around!" I yelled as I kept hitting Benny's seat.

"Give me the wheel. Give me the wheel!" Roger exclaimed as he tried taking the wheel from Eddie. He accidentally turned it, the car turning around abruptly as we shouted in surprise.

"The cops are still on our tail!" Roger shouted at us, looking afraid.

"I know the cops are on our tail!" Eddie yelled in annoyance, looking back at the cops.

"Obviously, Roger. They're not just gonna give up and go home!" I shouted, my heart beating fast. I then groaned in annoyance when I saw the weasels van coming from the other side of the alley.

Eddie and Roger saw them, too, and began to scream in horror. "Pull the lever!" Benny yelled at us. I nodded and looked around for the lever.

"Which one?!" Eddie yelled as I smacked my forehead at his stupidity.

"The only lever there is, idiot!" I shouted at him in frustration, grabbing the lever and pulling it. We all yelped in surprise when Benny's tires suddenly sprung up, making him taller than the van and going over it.

We drove out of the alley and into the street. "I'm gettin' too old for this!" Benny shouted as he continued to drive while we looked back.

We saw the two policemen fall down making me wince a bit. "Jumpin' jeepers!" Roger said with guilt.

"Hey, Roger, what do you call the middle of a song?" Benny asked the Rabbit making us look back.

"Gee, I don't know. A bridge!" Roger yelled as we crashed into the bridge. We yelled, almost hitting a lady and her baby, but Benny luckily avoided the bridge and the woman.

He laughed as he drove onto the street while we panted from the acceleration. "Well, fellas, where can I drop ya?" He asked us, Roger getting off of Eddie's shoulders and onto the seat again.

"Somewhere we can hide." Roger instructed him as I nodded in agreement.

"I got just the place. And incidentally, if you should ever need a ride, just stick out your thumb." Benny advised us as I nodded with a smile.

A Rabbit stole my heart (Jesse Rabbit x reader)Where stories live. Discover now