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We hurriedly ran down the stairs, watching as Jesse's car sped off into the streets. That's when we noticed how Roger was was missing.

"Roger!" Eddie and I yelled out, quickly getting in the car and speeding off after Jesse. We turned several corners, following him over to a tunnel.

Not just any tunnel. The tunnel that leads to Toontown. Eddie hit the brakes, Jesse's car fading away as it drove deeper into the tunnel.

Eddie and I got out of the car. I looked at Eddie and stared at him worriedly. He then took off his coat, shoving it in the car through the window and took out his gun.

"Eddie...." I trailed off, knowing that wasn't going to work. He stared off into the darkness, a determined look soon crossing his features.

"Y/n, go get the box that's in my bag." Eddie instructed me making me widen my eyes. A smile soon broke onto my face as I sped towards the car. I opened up his bag, taking out a box that he hasn't opened in years.

I walked towards the hood of the car, Eddie walking over to me as I opened the box. Inside was a Toon gun.

Eddie and I smirked as he held it up, looking over it with pride. I then opened a little compartment that was in the box, revealing six sleeping Toon bullets.

The bullets soon stirred, slowly opening their eyes and smiling up at us. "What the...." Bullet 3 exclaimed as they grinned up at us.

"Eddie Valiant! Well, you're a sight for sore eyes!" Bullet 5 exclaimed, his eyes soon landing on me. "And Y/n L/n! Why, look at how big you've gotten!" He chuckled making me smile.

"I ain't seen you two in nigh on to five years." Bullet 1 stated with a nod.

"Where've you been?" Bullet 5 asked making me smile at Eddie teasingly.

"Drunk." Eddie answered with a shrug.

"You feeling frisky tonight, boys?" I asked with a smirk making them whoop in agreement.

"Yeah!" They all yelled with a laugh.

Eddie cocked his gun and lowered it towards the bullets. "Let's go." He instructed them as they cheered and hopped in the gun.

He closed it back up and took out some alcohol he had in his pocket. He then stopped making me look at him in confusion.

Staring at the drink for a few seconds, he dumped it out. I gently smiled at him, proud that he finally decided to sober up.

Once all of the contents were spilled, he threw the glass up and shot it with the Toon gun.

The Toon bullet went up, letting out a war cry before destroying the glass with an axe.

Eddie and I both got in the car, him starting the engine. "Ready?" I asked him as he nodded in determination.

"As I'll ever be." He smirked as he started to drive into the tunnel. A couple of seconds of driving, and we could already see the big red curtains on the other side.

Eddie took a deep breath as I just stared ahead with a teensy bit of excitement. Once we got closer, the curtains opened and I winced a bit at the sun shining brightly in the sky.

Toons: Smile, darn ya, smile

The Toons sang out while making silly faces.

Toons: You know, this old world
Is a great world after all

Eddie and I looked at each other. I noticed how annoyed Eddie was already, making me internally laugh at him.

Toons: Smile, darn ya, smile
And right away watch
Lady luck pay you a call

A Rabbit stole my heart (Jesse Rabbit x reader)Where stories live. Discover now