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I slowly got off of the ceiling and looked at Roger in pure disbelief. 'What is he doing here?' I asked myself.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Eddie asked the rabbit with an agitated tone.

"Through the mail slot." Roger answered while pointing at said slot. "I thought it would be best if I waited inside, seein' as how I'm wanted for murder!" He cried out.

"No kiddin'. Just talkin' to you could get me a rap for aiding and abetting." Eddie grunted, walking away from Roger as I walked closer to him.

"Roger, how did you find us?" I asked him. Since he probably didn't know where we worked, he would've asked someone for directions.

"Well, you see... I didn't know where your office was, so I asked the newsboy. He didn't know, so I asked the fireman, the green grocer, the butcher, the baker. They didn't know. But the liquor store guy, he knew." Roger rambled, finishing with a smile.

"Of course he knew. Eddie's a regular customer." I snickered making the man glare at me.

"In other words, the whole damn town knows you're here!" Eddie yelled while grabbing Roger by the neck, not that it hurt him.

They soon started yelling at each other, Eddie trying to kick him out while Roger resisted. I shook my head and went over to help Roger.

"Please, Eddie, don't throw me out! You're making a big mistake!" Roger yelled as he held onto the doorframe. "I didn't kill anybody! I swear!" He pleaded, looking at us with a sincere look. I grunted as I pulled Roger in as Eddie tried pushing him out. "This whole thing's a setup, a scam, a frame job." He said as his torso started to stretch with me pulling it too hard. "Eddie, I could never hurt anybody. You believe me, right, y/n?" He asked me with puppy dog eyes.

I awed at him, accidentally letting go of his torso. Eddie soon grabbed it and pulled on him, making Roger wince.

"My whole purpose in life is to make people laugh!" Roger yelled, suddenly letting go of the doorframe and landing on Eddie. I stifled a laugh, smiling down at a frustrated Eddie.

"Okay, okay. Sure, I admit it." Roger started as he jumped on the bed. "I got a little steamed when you showed me those pictures of Jesse, so I rushed over to the Ink and Paint Club." He yelped, hopping away when Eddie suddenly pounced on him. I sighed as I pulled out some popcorn and started to eat it. "But he wasn't in his dressing room so I wrote him a letter." He explained making me look at him in confusion.

"Let me get this straight. In a fit of rage, you decided to write your son a letter? That's so sweet!" I smiled at him as he smiled smugly.

"That's right. I know that he was just an innocent victim of circumstance." Roger nodded with an innocent smile.

"I suppose you used the old marker on the mirror routine?" Eddie asked sarcastically.

"Marker, yes. Mirror, no." Roger corrected as he took out his letter. "I found a nice, clean piece of paper. 'Dear Jesse, how much love do I have for you, my boy? Let me count the ways. One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand'...." He started to recite his letter, jumping on the bed with each number.

I smiled happily as my tail slowly started to sway at how sweet Roger is to his family.

"Well, Roger, why didn't you leave the letter in his dressing room?" I asked him with curiosity, walking over to him.

"Obviously, a poem of this power and sensitivity must...." Roger was soon cut off by Eddie lifting him up by his ears. I gasped at this, watching in disbelief as Eddie shoved him off the bed.

A Rabbit stole my heart (Jesse Rabbit x reader)Where stories live. Discover now