Doom the Toon

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As Doom walked away, he suddenly slipped on some balls that were on the floor, causing him to fall down.

The weasels laughed at him, finding it quite funny how he slipped. I then saw Eddie trying to get close to Smart Ass, but Doom saw him.

"Look out, you fools!" Doom warned Smart Ass, who quickly turned around and pointed the gun at Eddie.

"Not so fast." Smart Ass sneered as Eddie put his hands up in surrender.

"One of these days, you idiots are gonna laugh yourselves to death!" Doom yelled making Eddie's face light up in realization.

When I saw his look, I knew exactly what he was going to do. "Shall I 'repose' of him right now, boss?" Smart Ass asked Doom while gesturing to Eddie.

"Let him watch his Toon friends get dipped, then shoot him." Doom instructed as he walked out of the room while holding his eye.

"With pleasure." Smart Ass smirked as he and his brothers laughed.

"Everything's funny to you, ain't it, needle nose?" Eddie asked him, making the weasel stop laughing.

"You got a problem with that, Valiant?" Smart Ass asked, putting the gun near his chest threateningly.

Eddie backed up as Smart Ass followed him. "Nah." Eddie chuckled. "I just want you to know something about the guy you're gonna dip!" He yelled as he started up some music.

'Is he gonna sing? This'll be hilarious to watch.' I thought with a smile, temporarily forgetting that we were hovering over dip.

Eddie: Now Roger is his name
Laughter is his game
Come on, you dope,
Untie his rope
And watch him go insane

Eddie sang as he skipped along the music machine. He then stepped on a broom, the handle hitting him on the head.

He jumped, twiddling his feet in the air and landing on the broom again. He hit himself and rolled over making the weasels laugh at him.

Eddie soon got up, but not normally. He did several backflips.

"He's lost his mind." Jesse muttered making Roger shake his head.

"I don't think so." Roger denied with a smile.

"Yeah. This is just part of his plan." I smirked as Jesse looked at me confused.

Eddie soon grabbed some bombs from a crate and held them.

Eddie: This singing ain't my line
It's tough to make a rhyme
If I get stuck
I'm... I'm out of luck...

He trailed off, not knowing what to say next.

"I'm running out of time!" Jesse yelled, helping him with the rhyme.

"Thanks!" Eddie nodded in appreciation. He then started to juggle the bombs, each of them falling on his head.

The weasels laughed even more at him as he backed up, accidentally slipping on a banana peel. He fell back and knocked down some boxes containing pogo sticks.

The weasels laughed harder this time as Eddie emerged from the boxes while hopping on a pogo stick. Though, he jumped a little too high. His head got stuck on a lamp, shocking him as he screamed in shock.

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