A Rabbit Stole My Heart (Finale)

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I was about to sigh in relief once again, but the machine was slowly coming our way. Worse of all, it was still spilling some dip through the hose.

"Can't we catch a break!" I yelled as we frantically moved around, trying to avoid the machine.

"Eddie! Do something!" Roger yelled in fear as the hose got closer. "Hurry up, Eddie! Do something!" He yelled even more as Eddie quickly ran towards a button pad.

We were suddenly pulled away from the machine as it made its way towards the wall. It broke its way through, making me watch as it rolled to Toontown.

It didn't get far, though. A train passed by and crashed into it. "Eddie, there's dip everywhere!
How are we gonna get down?" Roger asked while I looked around, trying to find a place where there isn't any dip. But everywhere I looked was a green puddle.

I watched as Eddie walked over to a fire hydrant, turning the handle and making the other fire hydrants shoot out water. The water washed away the dip, and once it was fully gone, Eddie turned them off.

He soon started to lower us, making me smile when I had touched the ground. Eddie quickly ran towards us and began to untie our ropes.

"Jeepers, Eddie, that was a close shave." Roger grinned as Eddie helped him down. "I thought for sure our goose was cooked!"

"Same here." I mumbled as Eddie helped Jesse down next. I was last and quickly hugged Eddie in relief and happiness. "You're our hero, Eddie." I whispered. He hugged me back and chuckled.

"Roger! Jesse!" We soon heard making us turn to see who it was. There was a very attractive woman elegantly running towards the two Rabbits. "Oh, honey bunny." She spoke as she bent down and and picked Roger up.

"Mom." Jesse smiled at her making her lightly smile back at him.

"That's his mother?" Eddie asked me in shock. I just nodded slowly, also shocked at seeing this beautiful woman.

"Oh, love cup." Roger smiled at the woman, who I now remember was called Jessica. She soon started to kiss Roger making Jesse look away and walk in my direction.

"Did you mean what you said?" He asked me, referring to the words I spoke when we were tied up together.

"Maybe." I smirked, making him look down at me with a smirk of his own. "Oh, just come here you hunk of a Rabbit." I said before grabbing his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss.

He tensed up for a bit, soon melting into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around me. After a few seconds, we slowly pulled apart, panting a bit since we were out of breath.

We then heard sirens making us turn to see that two cars, and Benny, were driving in. "Sister Mary Francis! What the hell happened in here?" Benny asked as he looked at Doom's melted body. Eddie walked over towards the body as Jesse and I just watched from afar. "I've been a cab for 37 years and I've never seen a mess like this!" Benny exclaimed while Dolores and Lieutenant Santino walked out of a car.

"What was that, a rubber mask?" Dolores asked while looking at the melted Toon corpse.

"Yeah. And this is the rope from the safe that was dropped on Acme." Eddie informed, handing the rope to Santino. "I think your lab boys will find that paint's a perfect match."

"Judge Doom killed Marvin Acme." Santino realized, looking down at the rope in his hands.

"And R. K. Maroon. And my brother and best friend." Eddie explained even more making Dolores and Santino look at him in shock.

A Rabbit stole my heart (Jesse Rabbit x reader)Where stories live. Discover now