The dip

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I sighed as I turned around just as they started to take Marlene's body away. A police officer suddenly tripped over a box, opening it and freeing all of the Toon shoes in there.

Everyone hurriedly tried to grab the shoes, some were successful and some weren't. A shoe then kicked the other officer that was holding Marlene's gurney up. He accidentally let her go, making her drop the buzzer that was in her hand.

I looked over to Eddie, noticing how he had a mischievous look on his face. I knew what he was thinking and walked with him towards the buzzer.

He bent down, pretending that he was tying his shoe, when in reality he was trying to grab the buzzer.

I stood there, watching as he was about to grab the toy, but a cane suddenly came in and stopped his hand.

"Ow!" He yelped as we looked at the person who stopped him. He looked evil, almost like a villain. He skin was pale, wrinkles all over his face. He wore a black hat that most people would wear to a funeral. But my guess, he wears it all the time. He also wore a black cloak, in fact, it seemed that everything he owned was in black.

He looked at Eddie with a stern look, almost glaring at him. "Is this man removing evidence from the scene of a crime?" The pale man asked Lieutenant Santino as I stared at him with a suspicious look.

"No, Judge Doom. Valiant here was just pickin' it up for you." Lieutenant Santino laughed nervously, standing beside me as I hid my distaste for the man. Judge Doom. Even his name sounded evil. "Weren't you, Eddie?" He asked him as Eddie got up while looking at Doom with a bit of fear.

"Hand it over." Doom demanded as I smiled, taking the buzzer away from Eddie and putting it right in my hand.

"No problem." I said as I gave him the buzzer, shocking him with it. "Her number-one seller." I smiled forcefully at him while he took the buzzer from my hand.

He smiled back at me, though, the way he smiled was creepy, in a way. "I see that you could never shake off your Toon ways. The other Toons must have rubbed off on the both of you." Doom said, looking at both Eddie and I.

"We weren't working for a Toon. We were working for R. K. Maroon." Eddie clarified with frustration.

"Yes, we talked to Mr. Maroon. He told us the rabbit became quite agitated when you two showed him the pictures." Doom informed making me glare at him. "The rabbit said, one way or another, he and his family were going to be happy. Is that true?" He asked, clearly blaming Roger for this murder.

"He did say that, but I doubt he would go to extreme measures and kill someone." I told him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Don't speak out of turn, y/n. The man's in charge." Lieutenant Santino informed me, but I didn't give two shits about it.

"That's all right, Lieutenant. From the smell of her, I'd say it was the Toon in her talking." Doom mocked me making me clench my fists in pure anger. "No matter. The rabbit won't get far. My men will find him." He said, just as 5 weasels came bursting in the building in a car.

They stopped the car, knocking down some boxes in the process and got off. "Weasels?" Eddie asked in shock.

"Yes. I find they have a special gift for the work." Doom explained as we stared at the weasels that were dressed in formal attire.

"All right, ya mugs. Fall out." Smart Ass commanded as the other 4 followed him.

"Did you find the rabbit?" Doom asked the weasel.

"Don't worry, Judge. We've got 'deformants' all over the city. We'll find him." Smart Ass reassured Doom as he and the others smiled evilly at us.

"You wouldn't have an idea where the rabbit might be, Mr. Valiant, Ms. L/n?" Doom asked Eddie and I with squinting eyes.

A Rabbit stole my heart (Jesse Rabbit x reader)Where stories live. Discover now