Shave and a Haircut

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Eddie went to take Roger to the bar while I stayed at the office. I decided to take a shower, since I felt the hands of that damn weasel touch me.

While I took a shower, I heard a voice calling out for me. "Mr. Valiant? Ms. L/n?" I heard, making me furrow my brows as I turned off the water.

I got out of the shower and wrapped my body in a towel, walking out of the bathroom and freezing in place when I saw Jesse standing there as he looked at his reflection.

"You've got the wrong idea about me, Ms. L/n." He spoke in his smooth voice. I gulped as I tightened my grip on my towel, not wanting it to fall down. "I'm a pawn in this, just like Roger. Can you help me find him? Just name your price and I'lI pay it." He asked, moving the mirror so he could take a look at me.

"I bet you would." I muttered as I moved out of the mirrors way, making my way towards the desk. "Don't you need the rabbit to make your scam work?" I asked, feeling a little more confident, but not so much, seeing as I'm practically naked in front of this man.

"No, no, no. I love my dad. You've got me all wrong. You don't know how hard it is being a man looking the way I do." Jesse seductively said as he strutted away, gesturing to his body.

My eyes trailed down at his unbuttoned chest. I could see his abs as clear as day. 'Is this guy really trying to seduce me so I could tell him where Roger is?' I thought as I stared back at Jesse blankly.

"Oh, I don't?" I asked, leaning against the desk, crossing my arms in amusement.

"I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way." Jesse explained, a disappointing look on his face. I sighed as I made my way towards the closet, getting in and quickly changing before walking out.

"Didn't I catch you playing patty-cake with that old lady, Acme?" I asked as I walked back to the desk, fixing up my hair.

"You didn't catch me, Ms. L/n. You were set up to take those pictures." He explained with a smug smirk.

I looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"Maroon wanted to blackmail Acme. I didn't want to have anything to do with it, but he said if I didn't pose for those patty-cake pictures, my dad would never work in this town again." He quickly explained making me feel sorry for him a bit.

A bit.

"I couldn't let that happen. I'd do anything
for my dad, Ms. L/n." He spoke as he walked over to me making me back up on the desk. "Anything." He whispered into my ear, my fur standing on edge as I tried resisted to urge of my eyes turning into hearts.

"Anything you say?" I asked, smirking as I trailed my hands over his exposed chest. At this, he tensed up, looking at me in adoration.

His eyes suddenly softened as little hearts started to float around his head. "I'm desperate, Ms. L/n. Can't you see how much I need you?" He breathed out, leaning over me as I laid on the desk.

"For the Rabbit or for something else?" I asked with a smirk making him chuckle.

"Both." He answered, leaning in to kiss me, but at that moment, the door swung open.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" I heard Eddie yell making me jump up in surprise. I had pushed Jesse away and smiled at Eddie 'innocently'.

"Just a little chit-chat." I explained to Eddie, who was slightly glaring at Jesse.

I looked over at the hunk of a Toon, and noticed how he was slightly annoyed. "Good-bye, y/n. My offer stands firm. Think about it." Jesse spoke as he started to walk away.

A Rabbit stole my heart (Jesse Rabbit x reader)Where stories live. Discover now