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As Benny drove, he suddenly went out of control as he screamed in pain.

I grabbed onto Jesse's arm for dear life as he gripped onto the seat tightly. "I've been dipped!" Benny yelled as he crashed into a lamppost, making Eddie, Jesse and I fly out of him.

I yelped when I landed on Jesse, his arms were around my waist as I had my head on his chest.

I slowly blinked as I lifted my head up, noticing the smirk on Jesse's face. "I think I kind of like this position." He said making me roll my eyes at him.

"Not the time, Jesse." I muttered in annoyance as I got up and dusted myself off.

"What an unfortunate accident." I heard Doom tsk making me glare at him. "Nothing more treacherous than a slippery road especially when driving in a maniacal Toon vehicle." He smirked maniacally as the weasels van drove towards us, soon stopping behind Doom.

"Good work, boss." Smart Ass praised as he and his brothers hopped out of the van.

"Don't just stand there. Help them." Doom ordered them, the weasels laughing as they grabbed our arms and forced us to walk. "Put them in my car." He instructed them as Wheezy shoved me in the back. "And I think they'll enjoy attending the ribbon cutting at the Acme Factory." He smiled darkly making my glare intensify.


Eddie, Jesse and I held our hands up while the weasels held us at gun point. They had tried to search for the will in Jesse's and Eddie's clothes, but they didn't find it.

"We searched Valiant and the Rabbit, boss. The will ain't on them." Smart Ass informed Doom as he made his way over to us.

"Then frisk the woman!" Doom ordered them while pointing at me.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Jesse yelled, trying to go over to me. But Psycho held a hun close to his chest making him stop and glare at the weasels.

Eddie looked over at me in worry as Greasy walked towards me with a disgusting smirk. "I'lI handle this one." Greasy spoke as he put a hand down my boobs.

I then smirked when he yelled in pain and retracted his hand, a bear trap had clamped on him.

"Nice booby trap." Eddie commented making me shrug, a smirk still on my face.

I looked over at Jesse, noticing how he was staring at me in awe as tiny hearts hovered over his head.

Doom soon walked over to Greasy and hit him with his staff. He sent him flying towards some boxes, but the weasels continued to laugh.

Once Doom turned back to look at them, they stopped. "Do they have the will, or not?" He asked them impatiently.

"Nah, just a stupid love letter." Psycho responded as he held the letter in his hands. Eddie snatched it back and put it in his pocket.

"No matter. I doubt if that will is gonna show up in the next 15 minutes anyway." Doom shrugged with a smug smirk.

"What will happen in 15 minutes?" I asked cautiously.

"Toontown will be legally mine. Lock, stock and barrel." Doom said as he walked closer to us. We widened our eyes in disbelief, not wanting this guy to own Toontown.

I looked to my left and noticed Stupid and Wheezy drilling a hole in the wall.

"Toontown right on the other side of the wall, boss." Stupid informed Doom with a goofy smile.

"You see, Mr. Valiant, Ms. L/n, the successful conclusion of this case draws the curtains on my career as a jurist in Toontown." Doom announced as he walked ahead of us. "I'm retiring to take a new role in the private sector."

A Rabbit stole my heart (Jesse Rabbit x reader)Where stories live. Discover now