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As soon as Y/n got off the carriage, she saw Namjoon. She hugged him tightly and started crying. She didn't care about other people there. Maybe she will never find love. Namjoon is the only one who stayed with her.

Namjoon was relieved t see her okay. He kissed her forehead. "Y/n, are you okay? Oh god I was so worried about you." 

She pulled back and looked at Namjoon, he was actually worried and she could see it in his eyes. He cares about her? He looked as if he was about to cry because he was that relieved to see her fine. Namjoon kissed her forehead.

" I was so worried about you." Namjoon asked her. For the first time she saw him this worried her. He kissed her and hugged her as if his life depends on it.

She is important for Namjoon too, she could feel it. The way he hugged her. That means she is not useless for him. She put her head on his shoulder. "Please never leave me."

She has Namjoon, he is his.

"Never baby." He kissed her forehead once again. "Go wash up and change your clothes."

Y/n went to her room and she smiled as her lions came to her and started licking her feet. Y/n sit on floor and played with gaenip and Soju. "Did you miss me? Of course you both did."

Y/n kissed their forehead, they are grown lions now. "I bring meal for you, you can enjoy it later."

Y/n smiled while playing with Namjoon's hand. "You were so loving, I should disappear more often."

In all the years she had never had gentle s*x like this. He didn't invest why she bring Taehyung and Selugi here. They were in cell. Namjoon wanted to be with Y/n right now.

"Don't, my heart will stop if you disappear again." He replied, he kissed her forehead.

"I mean that much to you?" She asked. He nodded his head.

"You are my everything." He said. Y/n smiled.

"What happened to those two?" Y/n asked.

"The two commoners? Y/n they are in cells. I don't want to talk about them, I am already so mad about the attack and you being missing. Who dares to attack you?" Namjoon kissed her forehead.

He hugged her tightly. "Gosh, I am glad you are fine Y/n. Or else I would have burn the whole kingdom down."

Jungkook was more worried of Y/n. He got missing because of him. And when he heard the news of Y/n returning home. He decided to visit her palace with his father.

Jungkook was so relieved to see Y/n, she looks fine. And Jungkook was glad to see her fine.

During the whole time Y/n could feel a pair of eyes. She looked back and noticed the prince staring at her. She stared back at his doe eyes. She recognized him. Why she didn't think of him before? 

She looked away, and acted normal during the rest of the event.

At night time, Jungkook was going to the chamber where he was staying. When someone pulled her in a dark room, and a dagger pointed at his house.

Even in darkness he could see her face. He couldn't believe he get to see her face from this close up second time. He smiled a little. He was blushing, he lost her that night because of being too close to her.

"It was you right? The one who attacked my carriage that night." Y/n asked. She recognized his eyes, when she saw it she knew she had seen them before.

"Impressive you recognized me." He said.

"Anyone can recognize your eyes, next time cover them too." His eyes are really pretty, it feels like the whole universe is in his eyes.

"If I had covered my eyes how would I see you-" he groaned as she dug the dagger in his skin, she kept it slow and painful. He didn't stop her.

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