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"I was not expecting to have a drink with you this time, your highness." Yoongi said. Y/n smiled.

"Why? I was waiting to have a drink with you, you are the only one who drinks with me." She finishes her drink. Yoongi poured some more for her.

"Does he know you are here drinking with me?" Yoongi looked at her.

"No, I don't think so. But we are just drinking. I think it will be fine." She said she played with the small cup in her hand.

"How can you even tolerate him? I feel something is going on in your head after what he did-"

"What did he do? And how do you know?" She asked. Not everyone knows what happens. So Y/n was wonderful how Yoongi knows, unless someone is telling him.

"Gaenip, I heard about Gaenip, I don't know what was the reason but I heard what happened to him." Yoongi knows how to keep calm and change the topic. "Was he like your child, and you did nothing to Namjoon even after he d'ed Because of him."

Gaenip d'ed too, Soju is alive. But Gaenip couldn't recover.

Y/n smiled. "Nothing is going in my head. I am doing what a good wife does, he is my husband. He is the most important person to me. He has all the right to me, and the only right I have is to follow his orders."

Yoongi chuckled as he noticed her sarcastic tone. "Good huh?"

"Really good," She sipped her alcohol. "You doubt it?"

"Nope, not at all. You are a good wife. But You are not dumb. " He said.

"The throne is too heavy, if I be dumb, I would get crushed because of its weight." She replied.

"True, you will make a great ruler." He said.


Y/n stared at her reflection, the time they put in bathing her, caring for her hair and skin is a lot. They spend hours, using different natural remedies for her skin and hair.

She was taught, beauty is power. She must protect her beauty and body. But she just sees scars. There is one scar on her body, but she feels like her soul is filled with scars. So many scars that it's uncountable.

She touched the scar on her chest, she smiled. Because of Jin she can't hate it. He made the scar pretty for her. She can still feel his touch all over her body.

No man has touched her like he did. And no man would ever. The care and gentleness of his touch, she still remembers it.

They helped her wear the dress and styled her hair. Honestly Y/n does like it, she likes when her skin feels soft and pretty.

There was nothing much to do, Namjoon tells her to stay in her room mostly, she wasn't not in the mood to sneak out today.

Y/n laid on her bed only Soju was there. Gaenip d'ed. "Your highness." Yuri gives Y/n another letter and flowers.

Y/n looked at Jungkook's name. "He is so stupid, it's not special if he sends me multiple letters. First letter was special, this doesn't feel special."

She put it aside and the flowers. She laid on the bed. She is not in the mood of opening the letter.

"It is taking too much time right? He is acting fine, it has been a week, are you sure he is taking the tea?"

"Yes, your highness, It will work slowly." Yuri said. Y/n nodded her head.

"Slow and painful." She mumbled.

She is testing her knowledge, what she learned all these years from reading about plants and herbs.

She sighed and looked at the letter one last night before putting it under her pillow.

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