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Y/n sat at the ornate table, her fingers lightly tapping the crystal goblet filled with a sparkling elixir. She watched the effervescent bubbles rise to the surface, a small distraction from the weight of her boredom. The palace had become stifling lately, and even the grandeur of it all had lost its appeal.

Namjoon entered the room with a concerned look on his face. "Y/n, where have you been? I've been looking for you."

She looked up, her eyes meeting him. "I'm sorry," she replied honestly. "I was just feeling so bored, and I needed a change of scenery. I decided to have a drink with Yoongi, the King of Daegu. It's not something I planned, but it happened."

Namjoon, ever the understanding partner, nodded his head. He appreciated her honesty, even if it meant she had ventured into unfamiliar territory.

"I see," he said calmly, taking a seat opposite her. Yujin already told him. 

Feeling a surge of affection for her husband, Y/n got up and walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around him in a warm embrace. "You know I love you, right?" she whispered into his ear.

Namjoon smiled, his arms encircling her in return. "I love you too, Y/n," he replied softly.

A mischievous glint sparkled in Y/n's eyes as she pulled away from the embrace. "Namjoon, how about we do something adventurous together?" she suggested.

Namjoon raised an eyebrow, curious about her proposal. "What do you have in mind?"

Y/n's smile widened. "Let's dress up as commoners and go out to discover Daegu like regular people. Just for one day, to see how life is beyond the palace walls."

Namjoon was surprised by her request. As the king, he had never done something like that before, and it was certainly a departure from his usual responsibilities. However, he couldn't resist the excitement in her eyes.

"You want me to be a commoner?" he asked with a chuckle.

Y/n nodded eagerly. "Yes! It'll be an adventure. Something we've never done before."

After a moment of contemplation, Namjoon grinned and agreed, "Alright, Y/n. Let's do it. Tomorrow, we'll be commoners exploring Daegu together."

Y/n's face lit up with joy as she hugged him once more. "Thank you, Namjoon. It's going to be amazing, I promise."


They made plans to step out of their royal roles for a day and experience the world beyond their palace, all because Y/n's longing for adventure had sparked a new chapter in their lives. At first she couldn't believe she was out with Namjoon. This was something Y/n never imagined.

Namjoon holds her hand, he doesn't want to lose her in the crowd, she could feel his possessiveness. But it doesn't feel controlling, it just felt like he was trying to protect her.

Amidst the bustling streets of Daegu, Y/n and Namjoon strolled hand in hand, their steps filled with an enthusiasm that hadn't existed in their relationship before. They laughed as they explored the city's hidden gems, trying street food, and admiring the vibrant marketplace.

Y/n's eyes gleamed with delight as she spotted a colorful stall filled with intricate hair accessories. She let go of Namjoon's hand, a sense of nostalgia washing over her. Of Jin. Suddenly she started to miss him and sadness engulfed her.

Namjoon noticed her interest and watched as she carefully examined the hairpins and clips. His heart swelled with affection for her, and he decided to surprise her. He discreetly gestured to the vendor, asking for a few of the most exquisite pieces, all the while keeping Y/n unaware of his intentions.

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