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"I thought you wanted to hurt him, but you were taking care of him. Are you forgetting he is a commoner? And you are a queen." Namjoon said. He is fine with her hurting him. But he doesn't want her to care for anyone else.

"Are you jealous? That I care about another man?" Y/n asked.

"Wouldn't you be jealous if I care about another woman?" He asked the same question to her.

"I felt jealous all my life, you were normal to my sister and cared about them. While in my case you showed no care." Y/n pouted.

He cupped her face, pecked her pout. "I cared about you the most and I want you to care about me the most. It doesn't matter what you did to that farmer, if you want to take your frustration out on someone you can but I don't want you to care less about me."

"Why? Are you allowing me?" Y/n asked it, she thought she would get hit for even thinking that.

"I know the feeling, you feel trapped, you feel like you were never given a choice. But here I am giving you a choice now. You can do whatever you want with that farmer. "

"You know the feeling?" She asked.

"I became King at the age of 9, Y/n. And then married my elder sister. I always was busy with fulfilling my duties, I never had a chance to fall in love. And once I did and fell for you," He caressed her cheek, he was 25 when he got married to Y/n. He was trying to recreate his timeline with Y/n by marrying her at 9, and then child at 12 but then Y/n lost the child, so their timeline got broken. "Except for loving you I did the opposite, I started hurting you and taking my frustration out on you. And I enjoyed it."

"Bloodline system should stop, it's doing no good to any of us. And will do no good to future generations." Y/n said.

"Well you see, our family doesn't have good experiences with marrying out of blood relatives, they always get betrayed, hurt or k'll when they marry someone from another nation. Now people want royal blood to be pure, they say it for our safety and purity of blood." It's only for the King and Queen to be related so from both sides the bloodline doesn't change. People want that too.

"I hated this rule, but because of you, I love it." He held her chin and kissed her lips. He deepened the kiss and took off her clothes. He stared at her. "Don't you think we should have some fun? I feel sad because you don't have any marks now."

Y/n wiped her tears, she thought Namjoon would change. But he can never change. He will never stop torturing Y/n when it's his most favorite thing to do.

He always comes up with new method to torture her. It's his k'nk.

Jin came to check on her. She was really in horrible condition, with so many marks, there was a huge cross rope mark on her chest because of being tied up so tightly, and whipping marks everywhere. It was so bad that they were bleeding.

Jin stared at her body, "I thought he has changed,"

"I thought he has, and I thought I have changed too." She closed her eyes while crying, she thought she was used to him abusing her. But who wants to get hurt until they bleed? And then be left alone.

"Stop crying." Jin wiped her tears, she looked at him and hugged him. Ignoring that she is almost naked.

"He gives me wounds that you heal." She hugged him, Namjoon gives her wounds that Jin heals.

"It's my duty," He replied. Y/n made him sit on the bed and got on his lap. She cupped his face.

"Tell me, do you always think of this as your duty? Have you never felt anything for me?" She asked, she put his hands on her waist. "You don't feel anything when you touch me? Nice me naked?"

"I feel sad for you." He replied,

"Just that?" Her thumb caressed his plump lips, she bit her lips.

"No, I feel a lot of things that I should not have felt for you, your highness." He said. Y/n leaned in and kissed his lips.

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