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The palace courtyard was bathed in the soft glow of lanterns, casting intricate shadows on the ornate architecture. Namjoon stood tall, resplendent in his royal attire, while Y/n wore a magnificent hanbok adorned with silken threads and delicate embroidery.

As they both observed the proceedings, a hushed tension hung in the air.

"Trust me, this time I didn't run away. She was the one! She send me to Daegu, and made me torture there." Yeri exclaimed.

"You are saying as if I don't know you." Namjoon replied.

"In the past there were different reasons, but believe me. And how could you trust him?! When she tried to k'll you in the past! Oh gosh! She is really a snake, trust me!"

"Shut up! You can't talk about Her like that."Namjoon said and the guards quickly made Yuri knelt, and her head bowed in submission. She wore the weight of her actions like a heavy cloak.

Y/n smiled a little, if she forgot the fact Yuri is her mother, she once trusted her as court lady, she betrayed Y/n's confidence.

Namjoon was determined to ensure justice was served.

Namjoon's eyes, usually warm and compassionate for Yuri but  now bore a stern expression. He spoke with authority, "Yuri, you have betrayed the trust of your queen and the palace. Your actions have consequences."

Y/n, sitting beside her husband, felt satisfaction. Yuri had been like a sister to her, and the betrayal had wounded her deeply. She held Namjoon's hand tightly, seeking solace and strength.

Namjoon, with a dignified presence, turned to Yuri and said, "Yuri, it's time to make amends for your transgressions and seek forgiveness."

Yuri, clenched his fist, her eyes downcast, nodded. She took Y/n lightly. She apologized to her. "Sorry, forgive me."

Y/n looked at Namjoon. "After everything she did, it's not an apology right?"

Namjoon looked at Yuri again, "Beg her until she forgives you."

At that moment, Y/n actually felt powerful, happy. Because Namjoon was standing for her. Which he has never done, he had done so much for Yuri, but now he was putting Y/n above her.

Yuri started crying, thinking maybe her tears were gonna make him weak, but they didn't work. At all. She apologized, even begged, but of course, Y/n was not gonna forgive him.

Namjoon continued, "For your transgressions, you shall be punished according to the laws of the palace.
However, I also wish to acknowledge the love and loyalty that my queen, Y/n, has shown to our kingdom."

With a graceful gesture, Namjoon stepped forward and raised Y/n's hand, her delicate fingers adorned with intricate jewelry. "In recognition of her unwavering devotion and to symbolize my love for her, I hereby bestow upon Queen Y/n a higher ranking."

Y/n's heart swelled with emotion as she looked at her husband. This gesture was not just a symbol; it was her success .The court watched in awe as the king honored his queen, and Y/n felt a renewed sense of purpose and pride.

Y/n looked at Namjoon again, "But I thought you gonna k'll her with your own hands honey."

Namjoon stopped, he was hesitant. It would be easier for him if someone else k'll Yuri. He looked at Y/n, he didn't hurt her a lot, countless times. And what she is asking is compared to nothing. "Anything for you, Y/n."

In the dimly lit chamber of the palace, the air was heavy with the scent of incense, and the rustling of silk filled the room as court ladies bustled about, assisting King Namjoon in taking off his blood covered clothes.

Their hands moved with precision, undoing the knots and adjusting the richly embroidered fabric. While some were carefully trying wipe the blood off his face.

As the courtiers worked diligently, the doors to the chamber swung open with a graceful sweep, revealing the radiant figure of Y/n, the queen. Her presence commanded attention, and the court ladies quickly bowed in reverence.

"Your Majesty," they murmured in unison before lowering their heads.

"Leave," Y/n said and they all left.

Y/n approached her husband, her eyes filled with affection as she looked at him. "Namjoon," she said softly, "Let me help you with that." With a gentle smile, she began to carefully open his robe, her fingers taking off the fabric.

Namjoon's gaze met hers, and a warmth spread across his face. "Thank you, my love," he replied, his voice filled with gratitude. "I appreciate your presence more than words can express."

As Y/n continued to take off his clothes, she leaned closer and whispered, "You've shown me love in the most gracious ways, even in front of the entire court. I am truly thankful for the way you cherish our bond."

Namjoon's eyes sparkled with affection as he reached out to caress her cheek.  Y/n," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, "I will forever cherish our love and the moments we share. You are the light of my life, and my heart is forever yours."

"You are not good with romantic words." Y/n said. Namjoon chuckled and kissed her hand.

"Teach me then." He said he pulled her closer and hugged her. "I feel relieved you know. Yuri, she was like a heavyweight over my heart, and now I feel light. It was difficult for me to get over the things she did, but I just don't care. All I care about is about you, and how much you mean to me. I promise that I will never give you pain, and just gonna love you endlessly."

She took a deep breath, taking in his scent and kissing his neck. "You mean too much to me too, I spend each day longing for your love, I got it, now. I got you. You are like my trophy, my reward."

"Is that so? I feel so free. I love you."

"Yes, I feel free too. I wanted you, I wanted your love, I wanted you to stop hurting me, that is my victory." She whispered.

She slid his throat with a small knife she was holding. The blood splatter over her face.

And he fell on the ground. Y/n knelt down near him and kissed his cheek. "I love you too. But I can't forgive you for everything you did."

Gosh I gonna miss Namjoon. 🙃

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