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Y/n stared at Avalon, her body turned black, as if she got burned. Y/n felt the anger rush into her veins.

Jungkook tried to hold Y/n but she pushed him and looked at Taehyung. "What the fck you did huh? What did you do to her tell me!" She pushed Taehyung.

"It worked. You came to me. You are here l." He replied. Y/n came back after she heard the news.

"What worked?" She held his collar, he looked at her. And tried to cup her face but she pushed his hand. "I swear I'm gonna burn you alive until your body turns like her Taehyung."

Taehyung was silent, and Then Y/n added. "I trusted you, that is why I left here Taehyung."

"I know, I didn't want it. I didn't want her to get hurt. It's your fault." He said.

"My fault?" She asked. She clenched her fists, "I don't care, if it was your child. I am glad she is dead."

She doesn't, she is lying. But pretending that she doesn't care feels better.

"What do you want Y/n? I can provide you anything you desire. I swear if you tell me to turn back the time I will, if you get me to punish Namjoon I will. You want to own the whole Korea, I can make you the queen. I will, I can. Do that. I can do anything for you." Taehyung exclaimed.

"Really? You trade our daughter for magic?"She asked.

"No, I did it for you."

"Because of you, I lost the little me I had."

She left the room And Jungkook tried to follow her.

But she told him she wants to be alone.


Y/n hugged Soju and caressed his hair. Soju was happy that Y/n was here. And he was calm and let Y/n caress his hair.

She heard footsteps, she didn't turn, she could recognize him by his footsteps. Namjoon patted her head. "You are not gonna cry."

"No, I am used to this never ending pain." She replied. He kissed her forehead, and Soju roared as Namjoon leaned closer to Y/n. But Y/n patted Soju's back, telling him to stay calm.

"I am glad you are back, even for Avalon. I am glad you made it back." Namjoon exclaimed.

"I came back to Soju. He is my only child." Y/n said.

"What about, Yesol?" He asked.

"He had your blood in him, I hate every drop of your blood in him." She replied.

"You hate me that much?" Namjoon asked.

"No, I hate you way more than that." She replied. They heard some noise, Namjoon looked confused by the nosies.

"Let me go and check." Namjoon said. She held his hand, She sat up, and caressed his cheek.

"He is burning Taehyung." She exclaimed.


"Jungkook." She said, "I want to burn Taehyung alive, until his body turns black like Avalon's. He heard my wish."

"What?" Namjoon was surprised.

"It's sad how you don't love me like that and claim to love me. All you can do is torture me."


The air thick with smoke, flames danced wildly, and was coming out of Taehyung's chamber. While everyone was trying to calm the fire. Taehyung stood there, his eyes reflecting fury.

"Surprisingly you got saved somehow," Jungkook said.

As he clenched his fists, ready to punch Jungkook, but Y/n stood in front of him.

"Taehyung, no," she commanded, her voice steady but laced with urgency. "Stay away from Jungkook. You got saved, if it was me I would have chain you up and burn you alive again."

His jaw tightened, "Well I'd rather get burned by you then your little pet."

Y/n stepped closer, "Get out."


"Get out of here. I am kicking you out from this palace as a queen." Y/n said

"But Y/n, you can't be serious. This kingdom is my birthright. I can't just leave." Taehyung said.

"And I am the queen. I have the power to remove anyone who threatens the peace of our people, even if that someone is the prince. Ever Since you came to my life it has been a chaos. I was doing fine before you step in so get out."

Taehyung glanced over at namjoon. "Are you gonna stop her?"

"She is right, I shouldn't have allowed you to stay, you had only caused trouble. And it's her choice." Namjoon replied.

Taehyung's fists clenched at his sides, his mind racing with disbelief and betrayal.

"You all will suffer because of this."


"Taehyung, you didn't even ask me before doing the forbidden magic." Irene exclaimed. Taehyung was just silent, his eyes blazing with a determination

"Noona, I seek power beyond measure. I want to claim the entirety of Korea as my dominion, and I will bestow it upon Y/n, I want to do things for her that no one has ever done." Taehyung said while gritting his teeth.

Irene, her ancient eyes shimmering with a mixture of concern and curiosity, peered deeply into Taehyung's soul, sensing the volatile energies coursing through him.

"Be wary, The pursuit of such power can lead one down a wrong path, filled with darkness and despair. What are your intentions towards Namjoon and Jungkook?" Irene warned him.

Taehyung's voice dropped to a low, seething growl, his fists tightening as he spoke of his vengeful desires.

"They will pay for their betrayal, noOna. Namjoon, I will make them suffer as I have suffered, and they will rue the day they dared to scorn me." Taehyung said.

"Taehyung, don't. Remember, Taehyung, the darkness you summon may consume you as well. Choose your path wisely, for the price of revenge can be dearer than one imagines." Irene said.

Taehyung nodded, "I don't care, I want to go beyond everything and destroy them and be with Y/n."


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