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Hoseok and Y/n are really close now. They grew close and closer to each other. She is mad at Jungkook, and avoids Taehyung. The only one who really focuses on making her day better each day is Hoseok and Yesol.

Because of Hoseok, Y/n and Yesol spend so much time together and she feels happy about Yesol.

"Don't you think you should rethink your decision for Yeji?" Hoseok said. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"What about it?" She tries to act as if she doesn't know what she is talking about.

"I know you've already made arrangements with the other king, but I think you need to reconsider." Hoseok said.

"What are you talking about? I thought you were on my side. Now you switched sides? It's the best for her and the kingdom." She asked, annoyed by it.

"I am not taking Yeji's side, but I'm also thinking about what's best for the kingdom. This marriage could have serious consequences."

"What kind of consequences?"

"The other king is known to be cruel and ruthless. He could use Yeji as a pawn to gain more power and control over our kingdom." He said.

"I don't care if she d'es, get torture or whatever. It will not affect my kingdom." Y/n exclaimed.

"Y/n, she is your sister." He replied.

"She is not, you know she is not my sister."

"Yes but she is still an innocent girl. Why do you want to ruin her life?" Hoseok asked.

"Why not? After what she did. She got everything, she is his daughter, she should suffer the worst like he made me go through." Y/n said.

"Y/n, that is not how it should be. What happened with her, its not Yeji's fault. And about Namjoon I don't think he would care much about Yeji or anyone else except her." Hoseok said.

"Who is her? You want to kill me out of curiosity? Where is she now?" Y/n asked.

Hoseok shook his head, "I can't tell."

"But why not?" Y/n asked. He did mention Yuri's name one time, but Yuri manipulated Hoseok and told him to not tell Y/n about her.

"Think of Yeji, you don't need to repeat history Y/n," He said. "Sometimes we have to make tough decisions for the greater good."

"So what do you suggest we do?" She asked.

"I think we should cancel the marriage and find another way to help Yeji. Maybe we can find a match from another kingdom that's more aligned with our values."

"What if he starts a war?" She asked.

"Then you must be brave and handle the kingdom." He said. Y/n smiled.

"I will think about it." She said, And Hoseok smiled.

"Cancel the marriage? But your highness you have already made a decision." Yuri said.

"I talked with Hoseok, and he changed my mind." Y/n exclaimed.

"You are a queen, you should never change your decision for anyone. And definitely not when another man tells you too." Yuri said.

"I have made a decision now and I would definitely not change it for a court lady like you." Y/n exclaimed. She likes Yuri, because Y/n thinks Yuri is good at hiding the prints of her wrong doings. But Y/n finds it irritating when Yuri talks a lot. "Talk only when I allow you to."

Yuri didn't show her rage and then bowed and apologized to her.

Namjoon doesn't mind staying in his room, if it's with Yuri.

Namjoon gazes at Yuri with a look of love and adoration. He has loved her since they were children, and his feelings have only grown stronger over the years.

Y/n thinks she is the one in control but in reality it's Yuri, because all the maids, guards and even Namjoon follow her order.

However, Yuri is in a bad mood, and Namjoon can sense that something is wrong. He approaches her slowly, taking her hand in his.

"Yuri, what's wrong?" he asks, his voice filled with concern.

Yuri looks up at him, her eyes filled with tears. "She is not like me."

"Who? Y/n?" He asked. "Why?"

Whenever someone loves her, Y/n stays and Yuri runs away. She did the same with Jin, and now for Hoseok too. Y/n is developing feelings for him.

"She finds peace easily. Even after the worst things happen to her." Yuri said.

Namjoon chuckled, "I know, she would be a crying mess a minute and then the next moment she would act like the happiest person alive."

She played with his hair and exclaimed in a mocking tone, "Yeah, and you are so in love with her."

Namjoon pulls her into a hug, holding her tightly. "I would not be here, keeping my ego aside and pretending for you if I loved her. I love you." he says, his voice filled with reassurance.

Yuri leans into him, feeling comforted by his presence. "Should I ruin it this time too? Should I get Hoseok k'lled?"

"I would suggest getting Jungkook, Taehyung k'lled too." Namjoon said.

"Are you being possessive over her?" She said.

"She is a part of you, so yes I am possessive." He exclaimed. "What exactly are you doing? And how long do I have to stay here?"

Namjoon asked, he is unsure of what Yuri wants to do, at first he thought she just wants to be close to Y/n, but now it started to feel like she is just trying to hurt Y/n.

Namjoon is possessive about Y/n, and when it comes to K'lling Jin, he decides that. But the other punishment, Yuri wanted it for Y/n. And Namjoon refused, she manipulated him and emotional Black mail.

Namjoon does unnecessary things to prove his love for Yuri. It was not necessary for him to get Y/n r*ped, k'lling her love and Genip was more than enough. but he did because Yuri went through the same because of his mother. And he wanted to show that he doesn't love Y/n.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Just playing, it's entertaining. Making her think she owns everything, but just in a second I can flip her life."

Namjoon nodded his head. "Don't you think Taehyung is acting weird? With his wife and now he is just different."

"It's Irene, you should have K'lled him. But you left him and Irene took care of Taehyung. Now see how much she is causing trouble for us?" Yuri said.

"He is my son, I couldn't kill him." He said.

"So you will not k'll Yesol if I say so?" she asked.

"I will k'll myself if you say so." He tugged Yuri's hair behind her ear.


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