Meet the Zor-El's

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Krypton is in serious peril as the entire world has been falling apart, and has now come to the point of death.

In order to save their daughter, Kara Zor-El was getting sent to Earth for her own safety and protection.

"Your pod's coordinates are locked on to send you to Earth. You will be safe there." Her father promises as the pod is ready to send her away.

"I'm not afraid, father." Kara promised, tears silently running down her cheeks as her mother reached out and dried her face with her sleeve.

"You are brave, my wonderful daughter. I love you so much." Kara's mother, Alura, said as she hugged her shaking daughter. "The journey will be long, but you will sleep most of the way. We will be with you in your dreams. You will have great powers on this new planet. The yellow sun will help you do extraordinary things."

Kara pulled away from her mothers hug as another tremor went through the ground of their home and planet.

"Here, this will keep you safe on your journey." Alura pulled off her necklace that she rarely took off and clasped the necklace around her daughter's neck, before giving her one last bear hug.

The ground shook once more.

"You must go now." Alura said, helping her daughter into the pod, as her husband made sure the destination was set.

Kara got into the ship, still tightly gripping her mother's hand. She was forced to let go by the glass that surrounded the pod. She glanced at her mother, who was now crying in her husband's arms.

She turned forward and leaned back in her seat. She could hear the pod's engine started with a rumble, and before she knew it her pod was in the air, rising higher and higher into the atmosphere. There was another blast, the destruction of Krypton.

Her pod escaped just before the blast could hit her and she was sent lightyears away from her only home.

Kara franticly searched the buttons, but was too afraid to press any for fear of what might happen. So she did all she could she leaned back into her seat, and tried her best to fall asleep.

Kara dreamed of her old life, she dreamed of her mother and father. She dreamt of the times playing with her aunt Austra. She also dreamed of what her new life on the planet called Earth would be like.

Where would she go when she did arrived there?

Would she be safe alone with no one to guide her?

Or to help her?

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