A building world

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Kori was looking around Carol's sister Alex's bedroom, which was sorta emptied after Alex left.

"It's a little bland, but I think when everything's better we can get a few things to lighten up the place." Carol promises Kori as the alien felt her hand over the soft mattress and sheets that were left by her sister, which were all space themed.

Kori smiled and had actual tears in her eyes as she just felt the soft sheets over the mattress as if she hasn't felt anything soft in her entire life.

"Thank you." Kori whispered as she turned to Carol. "This is...this is more than enough."

Carol was confused by her at first, but then remembered that Kori was enslaved and offered a friendly smile. "You're welcome." She then strolled out of the room and turned back to Kori who laid down on the bed. "And hey, welcome to Earth."

"Thank you for your acts of kindness towards me the stranger, Carol Danvers." Kori thanked her, and Carol could see her English could use a bit of work.

Heh, she should've chosen someone other than Peter to steal a language from.


Before the end of the weekend, Kara was dropped off at the Mansion, this time taking a few other items that Mary was able to get from Susan's workplace from her Kryptonian stuff.

"Thanks for helping, Peter." Kara said as Peter place down a box of her stuff.

"Hey, I came with, might as well make myself useful." Peter grunted as he placed the box down on her bed. "Also, I really wanted to see the inside of the place."

Kara laughed at that as she picked up the Kryptonian Crystal that was discovered in her ship, which is unlike any version of them she's ever seen.

"Oh, look who's back." Kara's roommate said, causing the two siblings to turn and see Rogue strolling inside. "Thought we scared you off." She said to Kara and gave a light punch to Kara's shoulder, which did nothing to Kara, but it did injure rogue a little. "Ow. I need to do that a little lighter."

"Hey, Rogue. This is my brother, Peter." Kara said and introduced her to Peter who gave a wave to her.

"Oh, hey there, shugah." Rogue greeted him before turning to Kara. "This one an alien, too?"

"What? No, he's from my adopted family." Kara explains. "He's completely normal."

"Yep, super powered sister, no powered brother." Peter joked before seeing he needed to go. "Well, I need to go get ready for school in the morning. See you later, Kara. Nice meeting you, Rogue." He said before leaving the two of them be.

"He's cute." Rogue commented, cussing Kara to look completely shocked.

"What?! Rogue!" Kara gasped in shock.

"Oh, come on, I'm allowed to say it." Rogue defended as she walked over to her bed and laid down. "You think he'd be interested in me?"

"I'm not having this discussion." Kara scoffed as she rubbed her head and walked to her dresser and placed her crystal on top of it.


Peter made his way through the halls of the school and was on his way out when someone appeared in a puff of smoke in front of him, causing him to shriek.

The person who appeared had dark blue skin and hair, yellow eyes, pointed ears and a very long, devilish prehensile tail. He also only has three digits on each hand and foot.

"Oh, I am so sorry, I didn't wish to startle you." The guy apologized in a thick German accent.

"Kurt, we've warned you about that." A new voice said, causing Peter to look and see a girl strolling over with a dozen books in her hands wearing a green sweater vest over her clothes which consists of a black skirt and white button up shirt and has short cut raven black hair. "Sorry about him. I'm Sophia. You've met Kurt. And this..." she looked over to a woman wearing a similar outfit to Sophia, but was wearing a green skirt, and a red sweater vest, and also had long flowing blonde hair and a hair clip on the left side of her head. She looked a little more than less happy to see Peter. "This is Emma Frost."

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