Nothing they won't do for family

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"We hardly know anything about her, isn't that right?"

"If this person means us no harm, then I believe that they should turn themselves into their people and face the consequences."

Peter scoffed as he shut off the television and groaned.

It had already been half a day since the news of the Kryptonian ship orbiting the Earth's atmosphere. The entire world almost immediately turned on the strange Supergirl who showed up to save people and wanted her gone. He knew they were all acting out of fear, but he was really starting to get worried for his sister.

"Come on, Kara, pick up," Peter begged as he kept trying to call her.

"You can hang up," Kara said, causing Peter to jump and spin to face her in the doorway of his bedroom. She had her Kryptonian outfit on still and had a sad smile on. "I'm here."

"Kara." Peter sighed in relief as he walked over and hugged her, and she more than gladly returned the gesture. He then backed up and looked over her outfit as this was his first experience with the suit. "Wow, nice suit."

"Oh, yeah, guess you never really saw it, huh?" Kara completely forgot her brother didn't see her new suit. Truth be told, she forgot she's been wearing it for the last few days. She then did a little spin to show off the suit to him. "How do I look?"

Peter looked it over and chuckled at how awesome it looked. "I wouldn't have chosen to go with a skirt."

"Yeah, I'm working on that." Kara had to agree the skirt was a bit odd and even tried to push it to the side like it would do anything.

"I saw it on the news, is it true?" Peter asks her.

"General Zod. Yeah, he was a resident of Krypton." Kara confirmed as she eyed the tv. "I'm gonna do it."

Peter was starting to worry. "Do what?"

"I'm gonna turn myself in," Kara explained as she started to tear up. "Zod will destroy the world if I don't, and I can't risk anything happening to you guys. I already caused so much pain."

"Pain?" Peter asked with a scoff. He couldn't believe how his sister saw herself in this family. "Kara, taking you it was the best decision any of us made."

"Peter, your father died because of me." Kara reminded him in sorrow.

"And I could have lost both of them if you didn't save them from that airplane." Peter reminded her with sadness. "Kara, I don't blame you for what happened. I never did. Maybe at first, but I was upset at the world, not you."

"Why?" Kara wonders.

"Because I know you did all you could to save them both," Peter stated as he pulled her closer. "Because I know you wouldn't let them get hurt if you could avoid it." Then he pulled her in for a hug. "And I know that's not what he would have wanted. Us to hate each other for what happened."

Kara couldn't help but smile as she embraced the hug, feeling like something had changed. He felt...stronger. But before she could ask him about that, her super hearing picked something up.

"You've got it all wrong, Fury. She's not the enemy." Mary stated.

"Oh no." Kara was startled to worry as she broke the hug.

"What?" Peter was worried about what she heard. "What is it?'

"It's mom," Kara explained before she quickly flew out the window.

She needed to get to Washington and help Mary as fast as she could before going to Zod. Peter however wasn't going to let this go and knew he needed to help somehow. He quickly raced and picked up his phone from the bed and called someone.

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