Meet the Parker's

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Peter Parker was with his parents on their camping trip in North Forty Natural Area with his parents in their cabin, enjoying his time away from the busy city and spending quality time with his family.

"Okay, who wants cheeseburgers and hot dogs? Get them while they're hot." Peter's father, Richard calls him and his mother over to dinner at the camp site.

They joke and play for a while before taking a hike before they got back and decided to call it a night.

Outside the atmosphere, a pod has just started its descent into Earth with a sleeping Kara inside.

The impact is heard throughout the site, a shockwave spanning out for miles.

Peter however was the only one who was woken up from the quake.

Wondering what caused it, Peter looked outside when he saw smoke and fire coming from somewhere near the site.

Seriously curious, Peter made his way to where it came from and when he made it to the site, he was frozen on the spot.

A spaceship.

It was an honest-to-god spaceship.

He stared, and continue to stare, but then something touched the glass on the front of the pod. Looking closer, Peter realized it was a hand and thinks he needs to help.

He slid down into the crater and started to search for some kind of ejection button or something until the cockpit snaps open.

A blonde-haired girl crawls out. She stumbles a bit, before gaining her legs with the ground, and looks up at Peter.

"Who are you?" She asks him. "Where am I?"

"I-I'm...I'm Peter. You're on Earth. Who are you?" Peter asks her.

"I'm Kara...Kara Zor-El. The last daughter of Krypton."

"W...what's Krypton?" Peter questions.

Kara looks sad as she looks down to the ground. "My old home. They're family. Everyone's gone." She starts tearing up and Peter has no idea what to think anymore and tries to just give her a shoulder hug which she accepted and she just cried.

They stayed like that until Kara could pull herself back together and Peter doesn't know what to think or say, so he asked her to follow him to get his parents.

Waking up his parents, they were introduced to Kara and saw the spacecraft and started to believe she was telling the truth about not being from Earth.

"So where are you from, honey?" Mary asks Kara.

"Krypton, its a planet far from here...and our planet was on the verge of destruction. Only I was able to survive. My parents sent me here so that I could live. But they didn't." Kara explains her home to them and told them everything about their planet as the parents let her stay with them for the night.

When the kids went to sleep, Mary and Richard talked about their situation.

"She has no birth certificate, no real name, outside of this cabin, nobody even knows she exists." Mary recaps their dilemma to her husband and has no idea what to think of the fact aliens exist, and now there's an orphaned girl with literally no home.

"If we tell anyone, it could change the world. But...she would never be seen as a person. Just an experiment to be dissected." Richard added, knowing she's right.

"Think we could forge some documents, give her a fake life on Earth?" Mary asks Richard.

Richard thinks for a minute and looks to the stairs leading to the bedroom where Peter offered his bed while he used some spare blankets to use as a makeshift bed on his floor.

"Yeah, maybe. I'll just need a few days." Richard promises. "But what then?"

Mary thinks for a while again and comes up with the only logical solution they have. "Why don't we raise her?"

"Mary, we already have a kid." Richard reminds her.

"Yeah, and Peter's always wanted a sibling." Mary reminds him back and threw her hand towards the stairs. "That little girl needs a family, somebody to help her, and we already know what she is, we can help her. She likes science, we're scientists. She could learn stuff about Earth from us, we can help her fit in here. We drop her off with any other family, they won't understand why she is or how she is. We don't know what she will become when she's older. She grew on a different world, not like a different country where some things are different. This whole world is strange to her. She grew up with a red sun. A red sun. She didn't even know what the moon was, and she almost ran into it. She needs us." She continues as she takes a seat and covers her hand over his, hoping he understands.

Richard looks to the stairs and takes off his glasses to rub his head, trying to think what's the smartest move here.

"I guess we have a daughter now." Richard says, giving in and Mary smiles at the idea.

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