A pain in the neck

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Before all of that happened, Kara went over to Emma and Sophia's room after her classes were over. Before she had a chance to even know, Emma opened the door.

"Hi, you're Kara. Right?" Sophia asked her before Emma could speak. "Don't worry about Emma, she's a bit...rough around the edges."

"Huh." Kara shrugged. "I heard that you ran into my brother the other day."

"Adopted brother from the looks of things." Emma said, still looking into Kara's mind.

"Right. I was told you were a mind reader." Kara finally noticed. "Your people skills could use some work." Emma then sent a glare and Kara saw Sophia was the voice of reason between them. "So, anyways, what is it you wanted to know about my brother?"

"We just thought it was cool seeing a human who actually liked mutants and wanted to know more about him." Sophia answered as a bird landed on her shoulder and tweeted. "Oh, shut up." She told the bird.

"Huh?" Kara questioned.

"Sorry, I speak to animals." Sophia explained to her and looked over to the bird. "They can be quite the chatterboxes."

"Well, Peter's a nice guy. Not really good talking with others, but he's a chatty guy." Kara shrugged. "Easy to get along with if you take the time. Doesn't really care about if you're different or not."

"Oh, really? We saw that when Kurt gave him a heart attack." Sophie commented with a laugh.

Kara laughed at that when she then heard something going on and looked out the window and saw what looked to be...men coming out of the ocean.

"That's not normal here, is it?" Kara asked, getting their attention as they looked out and saw them marching out.

"Uh oh." Emma and Sophia said in unison.


At Stark tower, the alarms started blaring and the remaining team ran to see what's happening.

"What's going on?" Steve asked.

Banner activated the screens and what they saw was a giant wave of water was coming for them.

"The mother of all tidal waves is heading for the Eastern Seaboard." Clint said in shock at what their seeing.

"ETA to impact?" Wayne asked them.

"Twenty minutes." Natasha informed them.

"How can we stop something like that?" Steve asked them.

"We can't." Wayne says to them all.



Namor started to wake back up and was shocked to see that they were inside cocoons and immediately broke himself out, quickly followed by him smashing open the others pods and freeing them.

"Well, I can't say that was the weirdest situation I've been in." Tony commented.

"I don't even wanna know." Hal stated, not wanting to know how he's been in weirder than that.

"Orm killed our queen to siege war with the surface. He must pay!" Aquaria snarled in anger.

"And he will." Diana agreed with her.

"I, still foggy on how you escaped." Hal said to Namor.

"The magic used in the trident can only be defeated by someone of royal blood." Aquaria explained with a smile.

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