Attack of Atlantis

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Meanwhile, back at Atlantis, Orm staged an attack by the missiles that were stolen from the sub that was attacked. Despite this, Fen still believes that Namor can save their future.

"Invoke the energy protocols. We must tend to our wounded first." Fen tells them.

"Do you see?" Orm asked her and the people who were attending in the throne room. "Do you see what the surface dwellers are capable of? This is terrorism. No, this is an act of war! Our people swim in a cloud of fear of the surfacers. This attack tells us we already know. The surface world want us dead! My father distrusted the humans, he saw them as inferior to us. He made plans to cleanse the surface. I say we break the seal on the Atlantean war plans."

He started to get everyone on his side, and Queen Fen was starting to have enough as she raised the trident and caused everyone to scream as she lets out a small ring to silence the room.

"War would only cause senseless ruin on both ends." Fen informed them all. "However, I hear the fear behind my nephew's words. Perhaps it's time for us to join our worlds."

"But my Queen, our traditions." One of the people say in denial.

"Have Vulko arrange a meeting arranged between me and these heroes of the surface." Fen ignored the comments from the people. "I will broker a peace with them myself."

"As you wish, My Queen." Orm said with a sigh before leaving.


Back with Namor, he began to wake up and groaned when he saw he was somewhere in the ocean and saw Aquaria was with him.

"Great. You're awake." Aquaria said with a smile.

"You've got to be kidding me." Namor sighed at what he was seeing and rubbed the bruise on his head. "What do you want now? I thought I'd make it perfectly clear."

"If the recent attack didn't inform you enough, your cousin is willing to kill in order to get what he wants." Aquaria informed him. "He's trying to invoke war with the surface."

"What?" Namor asked.

"If you don't take your place on the throne, then the surface will be brought to war with Atlantis." Aquaria informed him why she's here. "She never stopped loving you, but she had to return to lead our people. Now you must help save both our worlds."

Namor thought and decided to at least talk with his mother. "Where we need to go?"


"Find it yet?" Clint asked Banner back at the Stark tower.

"I'm digitally cross referencing every existing mention of Atlantis, a little patience is appreciated." Banner informed him.

"I'll tell you this, Captain." Hal said to Steve as he had a global map open with his ring. "I've seen my share of weird crapola in this job. But Atlantis? No, that's insane."

"But you're good with the intergalactic cops, aliens with laser eyes, teenage girls who can get backhanded by aliens and live, the danger of Zeus, and the hulking scientists?" Natasha asked him.

"What can I say? Magic's not exactly real." Hal stated when they got contact from Stark and Wayne.

"Dispatch a team to head to this lighthouse we're sending coordinates too. Find Namor McKenzie. Fast." Bruce demanded of them.

"On it." Hal said as he then took to the skies and flew off to find him.


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