Chapter 3

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Dudley came home after the confrontation with his parents. He was still feeling a bit shell shocked. Somewhere he had realised that they hated Harry for his ability to do magic, calling it freakish and abnormal.

He wondered if he had been the one to do magic when they were young, would his parents have hated him as well? He had grown up almost smothered with affection. He wondered if they would have just pulled it away at the first sign?

He shook his head. Better not to think about it. At least now he had made it clear. Either they accepted both his children or they wouldn't see any.

"Dad, your home," Freddy came running towards him and he easily lifted his 6 year old high, swinging him around. He was still rather fit, having joined an amateur boxing club and doing manual labor had made sure he kept his muscle mass, which made him look very big and intimidating. He wasn't a skinny man, but at least he wasn't just fat.

"Yeah, I am. Say, why don't you and Georgie go over to the neighbours for a couple of hours. Let's show off your new electric car set," he said, making Freddy smile happily and get his brother.

It didn't take long to see Freddy pulling Georgie along with one hand and holding his precious cars in the other. Georgie looked at him. Being nine already, he got why his dad had been gone the whole morning already. Unlike his brother he also knew that dad was going to talk to mum about things the kids couldn't know about.

"You'll tell us later, right dad?" he asked, trying to puff out his chest. Dudley smiled at his son, glad that both of them seemed to be a bit brighter then him when he was their ages.

"I will. Now, keep an eye on Freddy. You know what kind of a rascal he can be," Dudley said.

"I will dad,"

His wife had been watching the proceedings and waved the children off.

"So, how did it go?" she asked, and he sighed while he slumped down on the sofa.

"Sit down honey, I need to talk to you about something important," Dudley said and he saw her frown, but take a seat.

"What is it?"

"I must tell you something about my youth. Now, keep an open mind, because some of it will sound quite ridiculous at first," he warned her. He had to reveal that Freddy was a wizard now. He wondered if his sweet wife would be just like his parents and hate the thought of her children not being 'normal'.

He didn't think so. Livia had always been a fierce and protective wife and mother for his children, teaching them to be good and kind. She was also fierce enough to demand Dudley to do his share of the household chores, seeing that they both worked full time.

And she even had the patience to teach him all, since he had never had to do so before.

"I'm listening Dud," she said giving him an half-smile and grabbing his hand in hers. He took it gratefully, thankful for her support.

"When I was young, just a baby actually, my cousin's parents were murdered and my mother was his only relative, so he had to live with us. He had this kind of thing which he could do, something special and he was born with it. Whenever he did it, my parents would get angry and punish him," Dudley said nervously, "and apparently Freddy can do that thing as well,"

"And what was it you cousin could do?" Livia asked curious and a bit apprehensive.

"Magic," he breathed out, waiting for her to laugh.

"Magic?" she asked, "what kind of magic?"

"The real kind. My cousin is a real wizard. He went to a real magic school and all. Apparently he's real famous because he defeated a bad wizard." Dudley breathed out. He fully expected his wife to think he was pranking her.

"Dudley, your cousin, what's his name?" Dudley frowned at that question.


"Harry Potter?" she asked incredulous.

"Wait, how did you know his last name?" Dudley asked.

Livia looked embarrassed to the side.

"I'm a squib," she said, and Dudley just looked at her not understanding. She sighed.

"I'm from an originally magical family, but we my branch has been squibs, non-magical, for 3 generations already." She explained and he understanding dawned on his face.

"You mean that you don't mind Freddy can cast magic?" he exclaimed.

"Of course not. My parents are going to be so proud," she said, smiling happily, but that brought Dudley to an halt.

"Wait. Uhm, we have to agree to not letting one child be more important than the other because of it." He said. Freddy being treated like Harry at his parents place was one thing he managed to stop. But to have Freddy being spoiled because he could do magic and Georgie being left out, that was also not fair.

"Of course they will be treated the same. They are both my children and they are both amazing," she said smiling, reassuring Dudley.

He loved his fierce red headed wife.

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