Chapter 7

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The mailman was biking quite a while already, cursing that it was him who got that letter for the house in the middle of nowhere. When they had seen the address, they even had to get a map of the area, not knowing where it was, so rarely did these people get mail.

Probably a bunch of hippies, the man thought, while he huffed when it went uphill and finally he saw the house come in view.

It was one of the most amazing and shabby structures he had ever seen, amazing in itself that it could stand upright.

Architects sometimes got too much freedom to practice their crazy ideas.

He biked the last few meters and was glad to be able to ring the bell and get rid of that blasted letter. Next time he would make a working student or an intern go. They were young, they could drive halfway to the middle of nowhere.

A man opened the door, his red hair greying and looking surprised to see him. He almost snorted at that look. The mailman knew that they didn't receive post very often, god thank, otherwise he would be driving here daily..

"I got a registered letter for one Arthur Weasley," he said.

"Oh, that's me," the man said, and the mailman gave the letter.

"Sign here,"

Good, he had the autograph. Luckily it was downhill going back.

"Good day, sir," he said, still being polite, even though he kept on swearing in his thoughts. The man said it back, and off he went, huffing and puffing again.

"Who was it?" Molly asked her husband who returned to the kitchen.

"It was the mailman, with a registered letter." He said, smiling widely, happy to receive muggle mail.

"A muggle letter? For us?" Molly asked with a frown, coming to stand next to her husband. Arthur opened it and unfolded the paper.

Dear Arthur Weasley,

I don't know if you have heard of me, but I am the son of Virginia Weasley, your aunt.

You might know that she was a squib, just like I am.

I am writing you because one of my grandchildren is showing signs of magic, and they were curious about the magic world.

If it is agreeable for you, perhaps we might meet? Perhaps you have some grandchildren yourself of that age (9 year old).

His younger brother (6 year old), is also curious and wants to come if you deem it's possible.

My best Regards,

Roderick Lewis

"Roderick Lewis?" Molly asked.

"Yes, I've heard of him. And of my aunt Virginia. Never saw her much, she lived in the muggle world." Arthur answered, "it must be nice for them to see their grandchild showing signs of having magic,"

Arthur couldn't imagine how it must feel if one of his children hadn't been able to cast magic. It is almost unliveable without magic in their world. But then to have a grandchild to be granted the gift, must be a dream come true for the man.

"I guess we can invite them. We can invite Ginny and Harry, and Ron and Hermione," Molly said and Arthur eagerly agreed.

The floocall to Ginny was quickly made, who was surprised to hear about her squib great aunt. She agreed easily enough to the visit and said she would be available in the weekend, and Harry could come as well then.

Ron had agreed as well, but Hermione had to work that day. The department of mysteries had a 24/7 work force and she had to work that weekend, but he was happy to come with the kids.

Arthur wrote the letter back, copying the address on the back of the envelope.

"Should I send it back by muggle mail?" he asked excitedly, already going to their pot of muggle money.

"I think the owl will do. They know about magic," Molly answered and Arthur deflated quickly.

"Of course, dear," he said, sadly going to the owl.

"And if they come, they are all raised in the muggle way. So they might have some gadgets," she said and he perked up immediately. She rolled her eyes.

Her husband and his strange hobby. 

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