Chapter 6

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The drive took a couple of hours, the landscape rolling by and Georgie woke up in the middle of the drive, looking around sleepily. He was a bit cranky, like usual when he just woke up, and ate his sandwich while glowering at his too loud little brother. In the end he let him be persuaded to join the game, playing with the stuffed animals, growling and hissing and making monkey noises, laughing.

When they finally arrived at the tiny village, Dudley felt glad that he could finally stretch out. He was a big man, both in length, as in girth, and sitting in a confined space always made his joints stiff.

They got the kids out of the car, who were jumping up and down in excitement, and went to the house on the outskirts of the village and knocked on the door.

Livia's parents greeted them happily, ushering them inside. The table was already standing ready for lunch and Dudley and his sons was trying not to drool.

"Come sit down," Gran said. Lucinda was a tall woman, straight back and chiselled features. Her tall hair was all white and held tightly in a bun.

Gramps got up from his chair, his back wasn't as good as before, but he could still manage. He was near bald, but some grey reddish hairs still clung on in a half circle going from just above his right ear to just above his left ear.

"I'm so glad to see my grandchildren again. Have you been good for mom and dad?" he asked, winking at them playfully.

"Yes we have, gramps," Freddy said with a giggle. Georgie, who thought he was already to old for giggling, nodded with dignity.

They took their seats at the table, eating happily, not talking about anything serious yet until the pudding came.

"I see gramps outdid himself," Livia said when she saw the layered chocolate cake being brought in.

"He's been up since early morning making the thing," gran said looking at her husband in exasperated affection.

"Now, I have heard that Georgie here can do magic," gramps said, speaking with excitement. Georgie blushed a bit at the attention but nodded, not yet decided if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Do you now, both me and gran have family that can do magic as well?" he asked and Georgie nodded.

"Mom told us, yesterday." Freddy said, chocolate covering his face. Dudley took a napkin and wiped it off.

"Can you tell us about them?" Georgie asked, curious.

"Well yes. Now, I don't know if we'll be able to meet grans family, since they parted on a rough spot, but I'll contact mine and then we'll be able to meet,"

"You now dad, Dudley here also has a magical relative," Livia said with slight glee and Dudley suddenly felt alarmed.

"Who?" gramps asked curiously.

"Harry Potter!" she said and gran nearly dropped her glass in shock.

"Harry Potter? THE Harry Potter? The boy-who-lived?" she exclaimed. They might have been squibs, but they knew about the going ons in the magical world.

Dudley blushed when they put their attention on him.

"We don't have contact any longer," he said sadly, but gramps was patting his arm.

"Don't worry son. I think our families are more connected then we think. We'll be able to pick up the thread," He said and Dudley raised an eyebrow, wondering what the man meant with that.

"Let's talk family trees a bit," the man said, grabbing a piece of paper.

"So here are Freddy and Georgie," the man said, writing their names on the paper.

"And here is you and Livia, and Harry Potter is your?" he looked at Dudley in question

"Cousin, his mom and my mom were sisters" Dudley answered, and the man wrote down their names.

"Livia Lewis, and then me and gran, Roderick Lewis and Lucinda Malfoy," he wrote down.

"Lucinda is a first generation squib, meaning she has magical parents, and even a magical brother somewhere, but they broke of contact when she was young because she hadn't got any magic," Roderick explained.

"That's awful," Georgie said frowning, and Lucinda smiled warmly at him.

"It were the old days. I was sent to life in a house somewhere in the country, out of sight until I was off age. Then I got my dowry and was told to make my living in the muggle world,"

"Muggle?" Freddy asked;

"That's what wizards call non-magical people," Lucinda said.

"Now, we go a bit further back, for me, and then we have my parents, which was a muggle named Timothy Lewis and a first generation squib named Viriginia Weasley." The man explained, "She was a proud woman, and her family loved her, but squibs have a hard time in the wizarding world. When she fell in love with a muggle, they let her go, but we still keep in contact a little,"

"And then if we look at my mother's side, she had a brother, named Septimus Weasley, who had his own children, one of which was Arthur Weasley, who married a Molly Prewet, who had 7 children, the youngest, Ginevra Weasley, married Harry Potter," he said enthusiastically. It had always been a point of pride to have Harry Potter, no matter how distantly related, in his family tree.

"So, we've got magic from all sides of the family?" Georgie asked and his grandparents nodded.

"It's amazing that it came to you. Most of the time, once a squibs breaks the line, no magic appears in it again. That's why no wizard wants to marry squibs." Lucinda said, but Roderick grabbed her hand tightly. She had been bitter long about her family abandoning her.

"So, what do we do now?" Dudley asked, "I remember Harry getting an Hogwarts letter when he was eleven,"

"Well, I'll write a letter to Arthur Weasley. Perhaps he wouldn't mind organizing a meeting between us and his grandchildren. That way they can learn a bit about their world as well,"

Freddy and Georgie were both happy to hear about that, wondering how special that world would be. When the cake was finished and the table was cleaned, they were allowed to play outside a bit, leaving the adults alone.

"Livia told me your family is giving you trouble?" Lucinda asked handing the wet plate to Dudley to dry.

He took it in his hands, and slowly dried it, thinking.

"They don't like magic. Hate it actually. My aunt doesn't know about it, but she threatened to have the children taken away of we cut of contact with my parents," Lucinda nodded at his worries, knowing exactly how a family with strong political powers could get things like that done.

"If need be, we'll ask our families to hide us. With Georgie being magical, perhaps I could try to contact my younger brother to see if he wants to hide us," she said, "he'll barely remember me though, he was only three when I was sent away,"

"Thank you," Dudley said, feeling ashamed that it was his family they had to hide for. 

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