Chapter 14

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Ginny was smiling when she heard the laughter of her children, looking out of the window of the study to see Lily doing another trick she had learned the girl. Harry was going to go mad if she saw his daughter, but Ginny could see the raw talent in the little girl and decided to nurture it.

Her husband tentatively agreed, but still held back a little more than when he did with the boys, and she had scoffed at him, and called him silly.

Getting up, she went to the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea, seeing albus try to equal Lily, but just fall short a little. He pouted a little, but soon he convinced his little sister to go play with something else.

A loud crack sounded in the air, and suddenly the living room was filled with screaming and crying and without thinking, Ginny let go of her cup, not caring that it smashed to the ground and the tea soiled her slippers.

The next moment, her wand was at ready in her hand, and she stormed into the living room, surprised to see her husband with two panicked children.

"Harry, what's going on?" Ginny asked.

"Bring us back, now, you have to bring us back," Georgie shouted at Harry, his fists knocking hard on Harry's chest. Freddy was being held back by Harry, but he was struggling hard, his lisp becoming more pronounced until he started to talk completely in parseltongue, begging to be back with his daddy and mommy.

"They arrested Dudley and Livia," Harry said, before falling to his knees and holding Georgie's wrists, Freddy almost falling to the floor, but Ginny managed to catch him, "I need you two to listen to me,"

"No, I don't want to. I want dad and mom," Georgie said, tears running down his face and a cupboard suddenly bashed open when his magic started to react to his agitation. Freddy was crying in Ginny's shoulder wincing when he heard the loud noises.

"Georgie," Harry said, his voice loud and full of authority, "I need you to calm down so we can plan to get them out,"

"You'll help us?" Georgie asked, looking surprised at Harry, "I want daddy and mommy,"

Harry looked at the crying child, crying out to be with Dudley. In his wildest imaginations, this was a scene he would have never expected to happen.

"First of all, I think both of you need a cup of tea, and then we'll need someone on the inside of the muggle world," Harry said, thinking it through, "I guess we best contact Hermoine,"

"Here, why don't you two go sit down for a moment, and I'll fix you a nice cup, okay?" Ginny said, trying to smile, "and then we'll see how we can help your mommy and daddy,"

"I want mommy and daddy," Freddy sniveled again, and George looked at his little brother. He took a deep breath, and knew that he must take responsibility for him.

"Come Freddy, we'll do what they say, and in no time they'll get mom and dad back to us," Georgie said, "they can do magic, you know,"

"Then why don't they magic daddy and mommy here?" Freddy asked, and Georgie glanced at Harry.

"Why don't you?" he asked.

"There are laws we're not allowed to break, but perhaps that'll be a solution for later," Harry said, "I'll contact a friend who's good in that stuff,"

"So, what are we here for exactly?" Livia asked, glaring at the cop in front of her. Her husband was held in a different interrogation room, and Livia hoped that he managed to keep his cool.

"We have it on good authority that you abuse your children," the man said, and Livia's eyes narrowed.

"Is it that dratted aunt of Dudley that said it? The one who let's her dogs attack children?" Livia asked, and the man frowned at her.

"We are not at liberty to say from whom the complaint comes, but we take child abuse very seriously," the man said.

"As do I," Livia answered, "can you please provide the evidence you have that my children where hurt,"

"You admit to hurting them?" the man asked, and Livia let out a derisive snort.

"There isn't a single bruise or scratch on them that me or Dud caused. We try our best, like most parents in Britain, to provide a stable and safe environment to thrive in," Livia said, "the worst we do is ground them after they smashed in the window with their ball,"

Dudley felt faintly nauseous when the cop in front of him talked about him abusing his children. He hoped that Livia stayed calm enough when they said the same to her. It wouldn't do if she smashed in a cop's nose for saying such ridiculous things.

"I wouldn't hurt a hair on their heads," Dudley said, feeling desperation claw at him, knowing that his words counted now, and knowing he sucked at them.

"That's not what we've hurt,"

"And what have you hurt, and who said it?" Dudley asked, already guessing who it was, "was it aunt Marge?"

"If even your own relatives come forward about it," the cop said, shaking his head, "especially such an outstanding member of society as her,"

"Did she get you promoted or something?" Dudley asked, his eyes narrowing. The man suddenly fell silent.

"Now, look here, I got the complaint black on white," the man said, and Dudley folded his arms, sitting back on the chair. It was time to do something he was good in, something that was about being witty or smart.

"I won't say a thing before I got a lawyer," Dudley stated, and then didn't say another word. If there was anything he was good in, it was outstubborning people until he got what he wanted.

"What are you doing Edith?" Michael asked, leaning over his wife.

"Figuring out this Youtube thing," the woman said, her eyes narrowing, and eventually calling down her daughter, "Mary, could you come,"

"What is it mum?" the twelve year old asked, looking at her mother struggling in front of the computer.

"Could you help me load this movie on Youtube? I want it to get as much views as possible," Edith asked her daughter.

"I can also do Tiktok, twitter, instagram..." Mary started to say.

"Yes, everything, all of them. Be sure to call it police brutality and victim shaming," Edith said, glad that she had gotten camera's ready to film each time that horrible woman had tried to get into the house, and then each conversation she had with the cops about and now, the arrest.

It did make for a nice compilation, and while it didn't free the Dursley's from any accusations, one would wonder about the sudden escalation of the situation. 

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