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"I'll see you after your last subject," he farewelled.

I kissed him on his cheeks then headed to my locker to find my bag for my plates. Fortunately, it was there. I placed my plates inside then went to my classroom since class will be starting soon.

I entered in my classroom and went to my sit. My college friends was already there. We chatted for a bit then the lecturer came in to start the class, not long after. The class started then our professor instructed us to hand in our plates. I was really nervous  because our professor is known for its cruel judgements and with insults that'll make architecture students regret they took architecture. But even then, this professor was notorious for giving harsh comments to students who even did well.

Unfortunately, he's only cruel to students who aren't rich, well-known, and who aren't beautiful on his eyes.

And unfortunately, I fit the criteria of not being rich and not well-known. Great. But if this was the mafia world, it's quite the opposite. I'm quite well-known since I'm the only heir of my parents'mafia organization.
But I'm not in the mafia world right now and because of that, I'll probably be one of his victims thus insults aren't new in my ears.

Growing up, I was surrounded by mafias. I am trained to be a mafia. Insults and violence had become normal to me. It sure sounds like hell but with money, it brought me to a safe haven. The money that I earned in my mafia jobs was a huge sum that's why I got to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. But it all changed when the organization that my parents founded started to crumble and soon after, it declared bankruptcy.

My goal is to return the organization's glory so I could have my happiness and money back.

I was taken back to the present when I heard our terror professor.

"Is there a Jennie Ruby Jane Kim?" our professor asked.

"Uhm here!" I stood up and started walking towards the professor. On my way there, I saw a female student with a smirk on her lips. She probably got a good grade. I glanced at her plate to confirm my suspicion and my eyes widen.

She had a good grade! And what's worse is that her plate doesn't deserve the grade, at least in my opinion.

Her drawing was not properly drawn hence the lines aren't straight! Her shading didn't blend well even though the quality of the colors are good. Her margins and background is not clean! It has erasures! It was obvious that she used a correction fluid (which was forbidden) to cover up her mistake! But she got a high grade?! How?!

Was it because she's pretty? Rich? well-known? Or was it perhaps she conspired with the professor? But even so, I still think it's so unfair!

I calmed myself mentally then proceeded to go to the professor. He stared at me from head to toe then afterwards, he analyze my plates then looked me directly at my eye. This is it. I'll get scolded and be embarrassed. I'll be labeled again as the ugly nerd. Even if being an ugly nerd was my first image upon arriving in SKNU, I couldn't survive it.

I just can't stand the idea of intentionally making myself ugly when in fact, I am not ugly. I'm the opposite of ugly.

Going back with my professor, he'll not embarrass me right? In front of these huge number of people. If he did, I'll be after his head.

"Is this your best?! Do you even know what architecture is?!" He yelled.

Okay, I gotta admit. Mine was not the best out there but I had made an effort to draw it! I followed the criteria and rules for this performance task! And to think that he'd call my work mediocre is an absolute insult. Besides, the woman before me had a good grade when mine is obviously better! That's so unfair!

"But looking at you, you aren't bad looking. I suppose that I should give you a chance to redeem yourself. What do ya say?" the filthy old man smirked.

My blood began to boil.

I was about to defend myself until someone decided to butt in. It was Jaehyun Jeong.

"If you think her plate is mediocre then how about you get your eyesight checked, sir ?" Jaehyun mocked.

Everyone was left speechless including Professor Shin, who got embarrassed by Jaehyun.

"How dare you talk back to me brat! Just because you're ahead of your class, it doesn't give you the right to disrespect me!" Professor Shin yelled.

"What? Disrespect? Not only did you disrespect the students hard work but you also disrespected the art and beauty of architecture! How can you let Emma Soo have a good grade when her plate looks like shit!" Jaehyun exclaimed.

Emma Soo was the student before me.

"Hey mine doesn't look like shit! Maybe yours looks like shit because you're a piece of shit!" She talked back.

"Jaehyun is actually right, Emma! You don't deserve that grade because your plate is ugly like you!" A student complaint.

Then a few students agreed and started to complain too.

Soon after, us 3rd years were shouting and yelling at the professor. I couldn't hold back anymore. It was too much. Our voices were probably heard by the other students but we didn't care. We need to fight for our right! It's just so unfair that a girl who barely worked hard was rewarded a good grade while us who actually worked hard gets a fail?!

We fought and yelled at each other and I must say, I kinda enjoyed it. It's been a while since I last fought. But this fight was a bummer since it didn't get physical thus the words of their choice are very sharp and cruel.

Meanwhile, prof. Shin is against all of the students who he gave a harsh grade and that's including me. We teamed up and protested that the grade that we received from him was unfair. He was trying his best to make himself good so he could defend himself although his protest fell on deaf ears.

Then after a while, everyone stopped fighting and yelling when we heard a knock.

"Uhm excuse me? Is this the room for the third year of architecture?" A gentle voice asked.

My heart started to beat fast so much that I want to go smack him. I know that I had forgiven him but I didn't say that I had forgiven him by 100 percent. I still don't like holding grudges but with him, it's different.

But still it may not be him, right? No, it can't be him.

I've already moved on but the wounds that he had caused in my heart was still healing. To think that he was able to say and do that to me was indeed heartbreaking.

I trusted him.

But he didn't trust me.

Was I really treacherous?

One of the students opened the door and there it was. My ex boyfriend is standing.

Tall, lean, and handsome.

Memories from that day started flooding back.

Welcome first heartbreak.

A/N: I didn't proof read this so I'm sorry for the incorrect grammars and typographical errors.

Spoiler: angst will be involved.

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