
21 1 0

Songs for this chapter:
If you can't hang by Sleeping with Sirens
Last Friday night by Katy Perry
Tell me baby by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

At Daichi and Suga's house

Daichi's POV

We pulled into the house and somehow we beat everyone back to the house by minutes. "Hey, it's Kei's company" I heard Koutaro say as he came into the house with a blonde woman and Tetsuro in tow. "Hi babes" Kei said as he gave each of his partners a kiss. "Daichi, Suga this is our Girlfriend Nic" Kei said as the girl waved at us. "It's nice to meet you" she said as we smiled at her. "It's good to see you again Tetsuro, Koutaro" I said as I shook their hands. "Daddy" our son yelled as his nanny walked in the door with him. "Hi bud" I said as I picked him up and Suga kissed his cheek. "See you tomorrow Myra" I said as the nanny left. "Tadashi?" A woman said as she walked in the door with a carrier in her hand. "Dana, hey" Tadashi said as he walked over to his wife and kissed her cheek. "Hi baby" he said as he smiled at his daughter. "Kei, how are you?" Dana asked the man as he hugged her. "I'm good, how have you been?" He asked her kindly.

"We should invite the entire team over, have a small reunion?" Suga suggested as I nodded and we called them up. "Daichi, it's us" I heard Hinata ask as he and Kageyama walked in. "Yo chibi" Kuroo said as he ruffled the orange hair. "Hi Suga" he said as he gave my husband a hug. "Hi Kags, how's married life treating you" I asked the man as he looked at me. "It's going good I guess" Tobio said as he ran his hand through his hair. "Good to hear" I said as I made small conversation. "Hi Tadashi" Hinata said as he gave his former teammate a hug. "The party has arrived" Nishinoya said as he and Asahi walked through the door. "Noya" I heard Hinata yell as he gave the man a hug. "Yo Asahi" I said as I hugged my friend. "Still have your sanity?" I asked him, Asahi and Noya moved into together a few weeks ago. "So far" Asahi said as he laughed. "Room for 2 more?" Kiyoko said as she and Yachi came into the house. "Congratulations on your engagement" I said as I gave Kiyoko a hug, it had been awhile since we spoke.

"Thank you" she said as she kissed her fiancée's cheek. "Hey, anyone home?" Tanaka yelled as he and Ennoshita walked in. "In the living room" I said as they walked into the room. "Noya" Tanaka said as the 2 bros hugged. "Still bald I see" Noya said with a smile. "Congratulations guys" Ennoshita said as he gave Kiyoko a hug. "Way to make me feel old, you guys were kids yesterday, now you all are either married" Keishin said as he stared at me and Koshi, Dana and Tadashi, Kageyama and Hinata. "Moving into together" he added as he stared at Asahi and Nishinoya. "Or about to get married" he said as he stared at Kiyoko and Yachi. "And don't even get me started on the kids" Keishin added as we all laughed. "We couldn't stay kids forever" I said as I kissed my husband's cheek. "I know but time flew by too quickly" Keishin said as he looked at his own husband. "You'll always be young and hip to me" Takeda said as he kissed Ukai. "I guess that makes it slightly better" he said as he kissed his husband back. Suga went and put our son to bed.

"Remember if you are drinking underage you are doing it responsibly" I said as the others put there kids upstairs in the nursery and we headed outside. "Whatever dad" Kei said as Nic handed him a cigarette, he is known for his love of pot but I don't allow it to be smoked at my house. "Are you overage Nic?" I asked the blond girl. "Yes, I am 21" she said as I nodded. "Tadashi, you are aware of the rules we have about underage drinking right?" I asked the recently 20 year old. "No, I don't think so" he said. "If you are under the age of 21 you are allowed to consume 2 drinks in our presence only, if you do consume alcohol you will not be driving home" I told him. "That's rule 1, rule 2 is if you wake up the kids then you will be the one putting them back to bed" I said as all the parents in the backyard raised their glasses to that. "I'll be the designated driver for tonight" Kei said to his partners as they nodded and went into the house to go get their first drinks for the night.

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