𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 : 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 , 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 , 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝐈𝐈)

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If you asked anybody one thousand years ago who was the most powerful god , they would probably say ''General Ding Kai'' or ''thunder master Kai''. Today , nobody remembers him except for a few who have access to old scrolls about ancient gods.

And guess who also has access to all these scrolls ?

Me !

From legends passed down from mouth to mouth it was said that General Ding Kai was the fourth son of a powerful lord. He wasn't valued much by his family since he had three older brother, two younger sister and three older sisters who were married off before he could walk. He wasn't respected by his household and would get bullied by some older rich kids until his seventeenth birthday...
A young man with red hair defended him from his wrongdoers and help the young general Ding Kai show his swordsmanship and incredible cultivation to the world.

Ever since then , general Ding Kai would follow the young man with fiery red hair and another young companion of the red haired man. Together they would travel all around the country , have many adventures , and face off challenges on their way.

General Ding Kai's greatest prowess was during the war against an evil clan, some say he protected two hundred villagers on his own and some say he annihilated an army of two hundred cultivators on his own in under an hour. Some still debate what he did during the war but all agreed he was a key player for the defeat of said evil clan.

He would ascend later on, during a feast where he had saved a little girl from being raped by an old merchant. From old scrolls we could estimate that had at least more than 10 000 temples , most were invested by his father. The relationship with General Ding Kai and his father are mostly unknown but people like to think that his dad only seeked forgiveness from his son for ignoring him for so many years but it was not confirmed by anyone and no source could back this information up.

L'est talk about about what he looked like :
From all the scrolls it's said that he was a fine young man with pale skin, with his hair the color of a grape , that stopped below his waist and was always attached in a ponytail with a red ribbon . He wore a very luxurious robe with many shades of purple and some red embroideries. He could be easily confused with a young girl with his hair let down but his voice was very frightening when he wanted. He wore many expensive jewelries especially his necklace with an amethyst stone shaped like a diamond that was flattened but he would never be seen whiteout it and showed it proudly. Thunder master Kai loved to take care of his look like a mistress but no one dared called him one unless they wished death.

As a god, general Ding Kai spent most of his time in the human realm with General Gu Xi-Wang and helped many mortals during wars. He was respected by all until the death of general Gu Xi-Wang. Many say his relationship with the fire master was more than a friend , more than brotherhood so the death of the fire master had a huge impact on our general Ding Kai.

General Ding Kai would rarely be seen in the Heaven's or in the mortal realm, he even stopped participating at all heavenly official meeting in the court. The few times the thunder master would be seen, he looked disheveled and tired, many worried for him but he kept pushing them away until they were all fed up of him except one god. As you can guess he had quite the tragic end .

During the night , a god had came to visit him. They had a quarrel . We do not know what started the quarrel or what it was about but in a fit a rage , the General lost control of himself and almost killed the god who had came to visit him but stopped himself in the moment. He had seen his own reflection and the madness in his eyes in the mirror behind the god he was trying to kill . He was so disgusted by himself that he would have stabbed himself tens of times before self destructing in front of the god who he quarreled with. His death was mourned by all. In the span of less than ten years they had lost yet another great and powerful god. The death of General Ding Kai was considered a tragedy that would later be forgotten fairly easily.

''But if he was so beloved by all then why would he have been easily forgotten ?''

The voice of a young teenager interrupts the lady reciting the tale. The lady smile and responds :

''Sometimes , tales like this aren't as easy at it seem. The heavenly court likes its reputation and some story could ruin their image and the image of the god in question. It's better to keep things wrapped up then tell what really happened. All i can really say is that he really used to be a good person until... Forget it. I tell you another time or else we won't have time to talk about the person who represented elegance.''

''But elegance is useless during a fight''

another voice interrupted, the voice was also the one a young teenager boy but it felt more demanding and energetic compared to the previous voice. The lady sighed.

''Please refrain from interrupting me. Plus elegance is very useful if you're going to get dirty at least be covered in blood with beauty .''

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