𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖 : 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐝𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐞 (𝐈𝐈)

350 21 4

As the cave light up, you observe your surroundings and started to try and get out all the dust in your robe.

Your four other companions walked around a bit to explore the area as to wait for the sandstorm to calm down.

You could still hear Nan Feng and Fu Yao argue in the background but you were to focused on taking care of the flowers you brought in case of this specific scenario.

But you got up alarmed as you heard other voices outside of your four companions and rush to their side.

"Don't tell me there are cave zombies in here !"

Everyone was surprised of your appearance which only made the little boy and his group more wary of your group.

The youngster started to defend his group and accuse yours of being bad people. He isn't the worst kid you had to deal with.

Xie Lian was able to calm the situation down explaining that your group are just a bunch of cultivators taking shelter from the storm. The young boy explained they were merchants and travelling across the desert with the help of brother Zhao.

From there the you didn't interfere much and barely listened to what they were saying as you were at first occupied in trying to end the sandstorm as soon as possible if it weren't for the little hiss you were hearing.

What a pain.

You walked back to where everybody else was gathered. The merchants were talking a bit to your group (mostly Xie Lian) as they seem to get along. San Lang and Xie Lian were smiling and giggling together as the two other generals glared at the red robe teenager.

You and San Lang eyes meet for a few seconds but just in the moment the two of you were able to communicate. You smiled before turning towards the two generals scowling at one the lovebirds in particular. You jumped and put your arms around of each of their shoulder with a smirk.

"Jealous of his highness ?"

The moment these words uttered out of your mouth, the two generals were coughing and were trying to stop themselves from barfing out of disgust . You smirked out of amusement.

"How could you say such...disgusting...disturbing thing."

Fu Yao was clutching on his stomach as if his life depended on it and Nan Feng had taken the hit more lightly but it still hurt him to think of your words. You only tried to help them by letting Fu Yao hold onto to you.

You patted his head holding back your laugh. Suddenly the familiar voice of the young boy was now screaming.

Everyone gathered on the rocks, trying to get away from the very 'special' snakes. Only you and "San Lan" kept calm under these circumstances, what is another venomous bite to a few thousands ?

Fu Yao and Nan Feng were trying to fight off the snakes. As one of the scorpion snake approached you, you just gave it a gentle smile as it slowly climb onto your arm. The little scorpion snake looked at you with some form of innocence, your smile somehow made it feel secure as you approached it to you face, the scorpion snake let itself be moved by you, not expecting your mouth largely opening and taking a bit of its head. Its body's nerve reacted violently from the surprising pain and tried to sting you but you caught its tail and took another bite of it, savoring it while everybody was to evacuating the cave. You made sure to take the time to drink the poison pocket. The scorpion snake used to be like alcohol to you when you were younger, now, it barely made you feel anything now. You looked at your bloodied finger and licked the leftover poison and blood mixed up, trying to taste something. Trying to feel something like before.

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