𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 : 𝐀 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭

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The sun was shining brightly on the five of you. You group had spend the whole night walking non stop, your feet were a bit sore but it as bad as the heat. Thank god you always brought your umbrella wherever you go .

You were walking behind Nan Feng because he was tall and protected you of the sun, he didn't even seem bothered by the extreme heat . Fu Yao was next to him so it made an extra shield against the sun.

Out of the blue, Xie Lian gave his hat to San Lang . San Lang already had his red outer robe protecting his head but Xie Lian could see that San Lang was uncomfortable with the ridiculous heat of the desert.

''Here, you can have it San Lang.''

San Lang looked at Xie Lian with a baffled look . Xie Lian put his hand on his forehead to protect himself of the sun .

''its noon, and the sun is very strong, so you should wear it.''

San Lang smiled before taking off the bambou hat and putting it back on Xie Lian's head, claiming he had no need for it.

Fu yao, Nan Feng and you observe the very romantic scene displayed in front of you. Fu yao and Nan Feng wore more suspicious while you were in awe at this display of affection. You think Nan Feng and Fu Yao had forgotten about you in the back since they seem to be preparing an evil scheme behind San Lang's back , you decided to change their minds a bit with a little distraction.

''Nan Feng , hold this for me .''

Nan Feng was jump scared just by hearing your voice but was confused on why you gave him your umbrella.

''Why did you give me your umbrella..?''

''your the tallest , my umbrella is quite large so the three can hide under it from the sun but i am to short and i am not tippy toeing the whole walk.''

Fu Yao looked at you suspiciously.

''it's me or have we meet before ?''

''Now that you say that, i also feel like i've meet you somewhere''

Nan Feng said while looking at you , trying to remember where this sense of familiarly came from. They both were now observing you but you just smiled and stayed composed.

''All the people i meet always say they that I look very familiar . My friends say that i don't have a unique face and they would easily easily confuse me with some random person on the street. Of course I didn't let their words get to me but with how many times people have made that remark, i might kill myself...''

Fu yao still looked at you suspiciously but was not of distrust like San Lang but something more gentle while Nan Feng had believed your story .

''L'est change the subject, I would like to get to know the both of you better.''

Fu Yao didn't really want to talk . Nan agent and you had a little discussion on little adventures you each had ans at one point, Fu Yao finally joined.

''I once meet a nice lady who helped me out on my travel but turns out she was a cannibal , thankfully I didn't stay long where she lived, I only heard about it after I left.''

''You got lucky that time . Don't trust people to easily, even if they look innocent and weak.''

''You could say...She was fed up with people.''

Fu Yao just looked at you dead in the eye while Nan Feng was laughing his butt off. Fu Yao would have never guess that you, out of all people , would enjoy making some dumb or bad jokes like that.

''It wasn't funny''

''How can your hurt a girl's feelings like that ?''

The three of you talked a lot , Fu Yao had commented a lot on your stories and even shared some of his little adventures, Nan Feng mostly listened and would laugh at your jokes, good or bad.

You'd gotten to know Fu Yao and Nan Feng more. Fu Yao was found of details and had great memory while Nan Feng laughed at most jokes and had very high morals. But on their sides, even thought they listened to your stories, they feel like they didn't get to know much about you.
You still were a mystery to them.

Fu Yao thought that he wouldn't like you at first but the more both of you spoke the more he felt comfortable with you , the same could be said for Nan Feng.
You on the other hand liked them both from the beginning, they were nice but had their own flaws but it's nothing you can managed.

Just like back then.

As the three of you continued chatting, San Lang and Xie Lian found an abandon and run down house not to far . San Lang and you had volunteered to inspect it first which left Xie Lian and the deputy gods waiting as San Lang and you ran off to go and inspect the run down house .

''Your highness , don't you find him weird ?''

Fu Yao said , the moment San Lang was far away.

''Yes, but weird does not equal to dangerous. Some people find me weird but am I dangerous?''

Nan Feng and Fu Yao flinched at his words but quickly composed themselves back. Xie Lian continued:

''I already teste him anyway .''

''What did you find ?''

Nan Feng asked in anticipation.

Xie Lian only shook his head gently .

''Nothing. If he isn't human than there is only one possibility left.''

Fu Yao and Nan Feng looked at each other for a second .

''A ghost rank supreme''

''Would a ghost king help me clean around . We even get along and I don't have anything to steal from.


''Don't you find it unfair to suspect only San Lang and not [name] ? She also randomly came ou of nowhere and accompanies us while barely knowing each other.''

Xie Lian began to walk away to join you and San Lang at the run down house but Nan Feng had cut in .

''[name] is another situation , I also feel like I have meet her before but not in a bad way. Either way, we are going to test them both out ''

Xie Lian stops in his tracks.

''Very well, you are deputy gods from powerful generals. San Lang is surely a kid who ran away from home while [name] is just a fellow traveler with a good heart . Be nice to both of them.''

Before Nan Feng and Fi Yao could cut in again. San Lang shouted towards them to signal that the house was safe . You on the other hand were just waving around your arms to get their attention since you do not like screaming.

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