𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 : 𝐀 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭

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''ahhhhh ! sitting down feels nice after so long ! I don't think my legs could've endure another hour of walking !''

You stretched out your body . San Lang was seated next to Xie Lian and on the opposite side were Fu Yao and Nan Feng, you were seated at the end of the table but you didn't mind it that much. But really your legs hurt like hell, You were really good at hiding it while chatting with Fu Yao and Nan Feng but if you had taken one more step ,you would have just fallen face first and have never gotten up again.

Man , Hua Chengzhu seems to be having a blast. Never seen him this happy until now...

Being to occupied in your thoughts and stretching every muscle in your body, you didn't see the two of deputy gods smiling mischievously while pulling out something out of their spatial pouch.

''|name], you seem thirsty. Have some water''

You were snapped out of your thoughts when Fu Yao spoke. He was holding out a water satchel towards you. you smile and nod before taking the water satchel . You mutter a little thank you and take a sip of the water .

True self water ? Why does it taste so dusty... unfortunately for them it won't work on me
Better drink it all .

Fu Yao's face contorted when he realized you were drinking all the water. As soon as you hand back the empty water satchel, you could see that Fu Yao trying to hide his annoyed face. You then toke out your own water satchel and drank some more water out of it just to pretend you were just extremely thirsty after that long walk .

Nan Feng and Fu Yao decided to turn a blind on the posibility of you being something else other than a random female cultivator that liked to travel around the continent for the fun of it.
Now there main target was San Lang. They took out a second water satchel with true self water to give to San Lang.

I drank that musty and dusty water for nothing in the end.

At first, San Lang refused to drink the water . Thinking that the two deputy gods had poison it but quickly took a sip of it when he asked Xie Lian if it was poison or not. As expected, it didn't do anything on him. You would think it was the end of Fu Yao and Nan Feng's scheme but no.
They had a plan B that they thought was flawless.

Nan Feng handed out a sword to San Lang. You knew they were scheming something again but you never really studied or read much about swords so you didn't know what it would do to San Lang.
But San Lang smiled when he received it and proceed to unsheathed it only to sheath it back and throw it on the table.

''Gege, your two companions must be messing with me ? How can I protect myself with a broken sword ?''

The three of them seemed surprised by his words. Nan Feng swiftly unsheathed the sword to find it broken in pieces.


Fu Yao was angry again and ready to throw and destroy things around.

I don't know what that sword did but Hua Chengzhu is really strong ! I wonder if it was his luck or he is just that strong...

San Lang had put one of his foot on the table and casually leaned back on his chair still with a grin.

''I don't think you purposely brought out a broken sword for me to protect myself with. Perhaps you accidentally broke it on our way here ?''

San Lang careless takes one of the little shattered bits that fell out of the sheath of what was once a sword and twirled it around his fingers, not afraid of cutting himself with it.

''Do not worry. Even without a sword, I am capable of protecting myself. You can keep for yourselves''

Fu Yao and Nan Feng were now more gloomier and wanted both to badly attack the teenager in red but couldn't since he had proven he was not a ghost .

You felt a bit of pity for them.

I would understand if one of my friends... I mean somebody I used to be close to was hanging out with a guy that used to beat me up and killed some people for ''unknown reason''.
But Hua Chengzhu wouldn't do that for nothing! He has... His own reasons...

Out of pity, you started to pat Nan Feng's head. It was an habit of yours, only when it dawned on you it could have been disrespectful towards Nan Feng that you were about to stop and apologize.
Maybe it was because Nan Feng felt beaten by San Lang that he let you get away without anything in return for patting his head.

He needed one for encouragement.

Everyone was silent until Xie Lian stood up and went checking the large open window .

'' they're people running outside. They don't seem normal.''

Everyone quickly got up to confirm Xie Lian's statement .

''We better get going if we want to know who they are and get to the half moon kingdom. The weather isn't looking to be in our favor.

The moment you all stepped out of the run down little house, a sandstorm has started.

I hope that Hua Chengzhu's luck will over write this..

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The Mc of this story is mostly silent by choice but I promise that she'll get interesting soon enough.
And thank you for reading this fanfic .
Please send feed back on the story !

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