𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗 : 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞

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"Look on what I can do."

You started to juggle multiple swords in you hand and even added a hot flaming torch in the mix.

The merchants looked at you with disbelief but were very well entertained with your acts.
Fu Yao was meditating on a rock in his own corner.

You were trying to distract and entertain the merchants as so they didn't try to sneak off to the half pass moon kingdom. It was an easy task for you since you were a woman of many strange talents but you could still see that they all wanted to go get the fern by themselves, not trusting your companions.

You knew that if they went to go get the fern themselves, somebody will probably get killed and cause more trouble. After finishing your performances, you went and sat next by Fu Yao while observing the merchants quietly talking to each other on what to do.

"Fu Yao, shouldn't you help me keeping them away from danger ? I feel like i am the only one putting some effort right now"

Fu Yao didn't respond and kept mediating, you were a bit annoyed but as said previously, you dealt with worse. Some of the Merchants suddenly got up.

"I have the urge to go pee, I am going to go find a place to relive myeself"

"Me too"

"Me third"


You wanted to protest but gave up as you saw them slowly walk away. you sighed and turn your attention back on your partner who wasn't even helping you. You tried building a sandcastle but you quickly got bored of it.

How can i entertain myself...

A idea suddenly poped in your head. You approached Fu Yao from behind and pinched his cheeks, they were really soft xich only made you pinched them harder. Fu Yao's attention on his meditation was disrupted by the pain, he was fighting back but somehow couldn't push you off. How strong we're you ?

"Stop it, you foul woman ! Do you have no shame !?"

"That's what you get for not helping me !"

"You also easily let those idiots roam off !"

"You could've a least pretend your care !"

"You should've just gone with the others ! it would've have save me from the trouble that you are !"

"I couldn't leave you all on you own, i feared you would feel left out !"

"I can handle being alone for a few hour !"

Your grippe on his cheek lessened as you suddenly became silent, your gaze stuck on the floor. Fu Yao was a bit intimidated by your silence.

"Are you sure you're really fine being on your own."

"Yes, why that question ?"

You patted down your robe before sitting down next to Fu Yao. Your palm supporting the weight of your head.

"Don't you ever feel like there's nobody out there, even if people walk pass you by the street everyday. You feel like you belong to another unknown realm you cannot return to. Even if you do everything to try and fit in in this new realm, there is just no place for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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