𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒 : 𝐀 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐮𝐪𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞

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On a windy day, a young lady in white and [favorite color] robe was walking with her umbrella . Even with all this wind, she held the umbrella like a normal sunny day.

She suddenly stopped in front of a an entrance of a humble abode and looked down at the sign on the left before walking to the dilapidated house that was a shrine.

She stopped at the door , she could hear many voices thought to belong to group of young men, two were screaming with one being more agressive of the two while two others were talking calmly but with the other one sounding like he was worried for something while the other just didn't care. She stood there for a few minutes and listened to their conversation, hearing some kind of explosion in the process.

A normal person would have just left but our dear lady is not exactly a normal person so she knocked twice at the door . There was silence in the house as the lady patiently waited in front of the door, she could hear some whispers and then the door opening.

A man wearing a white robe was now present instead of the door, he looked confused to see a lady with an umbrella on such a windy day but he coughed a bit and spoke :

'' hello young lady, may I ask you what you are doing here ?''

The lady just simply smile before bowing to him and looking back up to him.

''Pardon me if I interrupted you and your friends but I saw the sign outside your shrine and wish to give you some donations. Allow me to introduce myself...''

The lady retracted her umbrella and put her hand on her chest.

''You can just call me [name]''

You smiled at the man in white as he let's you enter his humble abode as he did not want to make a lady wait outside on such a windy day.

''My last name is Xie and my first name is Lian, I am the owner of this shrine. These are... my helpers !''

He had hesitated on his words to describe the other men in the house, one of them seems to try avoid eye contact with you but you paid no mind to it.

''This youth in red is San lang, he ran away from his home so I am taking care of him, these two are Fu Yao and Nan Feng , they are kind of like my subordinates.''

You look at the three males , the red youth name San lang did not bother to look at you as he was looking at Xie Lian. The other two looked at you suspiciously with the taller one trying to avoid eye contact.

You then bowed.

''A pleasure to meet you all, allow me to ask you to just call me [name]. Now that the introductions have concluded may I ask why you are going to the half moon kingdom and when will you return .''

Everyone in the room was looking at you with surprise and wondering how you knew their plans except San lang. You still kept a calm composure with a pleasant smile on your face, after all a girl must stay cute under any circumstances.

'' Since you were about to depart I thought I would give you the donations after your trip , I heard everything from outside, excuse me for ease dropping on your conversation.''

Everyone seemed to be more relieved et the exception of San lang who didn't show any surprise to anything.
Xie Lian coughed a bit again before talking again .

''We were about to depart but we do not know when we will return, maybe two to three days ?''

Xie Lian smiled awkwardly as you still remained unmoved for a few seconds.

''May I accompany you during your trip then ?''


''Certainly not ! She is but a stranger to us !''

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