26 - souls

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Somewhere outside of London
Oct. 26th

The car was parked outside of London  on the edge of a field. They had been driving around for the last half hour lost in thought, Sully had said he didn't want to go home yet and didn't want to go back to the party. They picked up some food and drove around town.

Finally they parked on a path at the edge of a field, the trees behind the windshield rustling in the autumn wind and it was pleasantly warm in the car. They ate their food while the cold wind blew through the dark bushes and trees outside.

"What was that?" asked Nora finally with a grin. She was obviously making an allusion to what had happened in that car an hour ago.

Sully looked up from his food and looked at her with a smile.

"That was nothing, Nora," he replied with a grin, taking another bite.

"Sure," she murmured confidently, turning her body to face him. She let her gaze slide over him, looking at his body language, his body, every part of his body, his casual and calm manner.
When he was done with eating, he turned his head to her.

They looked at each other.

"What was that for you, Nora?" he asked in a raspy voice, looking directly at her. His eyes scrutinized hers, switching back and forth between hers. He seemed to want to read what was going on inside her.

"Nothing," she said with a smile.

He nodded, lost in thought, not taking his eyes off her.

"There's a lot going on right now," he said suddenly, turning forward and running his hand over his face. Then he sighed. "We're having trouble with another gang that's been acting up".

Nora was surprised to hear him speak so frankly. She nodded silently and stared into his water-colored eyes, which now had a different expression. He was no longer looking at her, looking resignedly ahead out the windshield.

"Today was a good day," he finally said simply, turning back to her.

"I noticed," Nora replied, attempting a slight smile.

He smiled back.

"I don't even want to know what that means," she added with a sigh, shaking her head.

He looked at her. Openly. Attentive. Vulnerable.

"I could never do that to you, telling you what these things mean," he finally murmured in a harsh, broken voice, and Nora's whole body was overcome with goosebumps.

What the hell did that mean now?

"I don't like what you're doing," she said.

"I know," he said simply, waiting for Nora to continue.

"I don't like the way you're doing it, and I think it's scary that you're going through all this without guilt"

They looked at each other.

Nora searched his gaze for something that would more accurately reflect his inner world. She was looking for a sign, a spark of vulnerability in his eyes, an expression of remorse. Of humanity.
And she found it.

Sully looked ahead and his tone became increasingly monotone.

"I know I do a lot of things that aren't right, Nora," he began, staring at an uncertain point in the distance, somewhere in the dark field beyond the windshield.

"I know it's not right," he repeated softly.
"Sometimes there's just no other solution"

"There's always another solution"

He looked at her and there was a strange expression in his eyes, a mixture of helplessness and conviction, anger and sadness, tenseness and ... affection?

"Not for people like us, Nora," he murmured then, and his gaze slid to her lips. He wasn't even drunk, what was up with him? Why was he so honest, so straightforward and direct, shameless? Where was his facade?

But Nora knew that Sully didn't need a facade to appear masculine and strong. On the contrary, this moment between them made his charisma unmistakable. Nora felt like she could see a bit into his soul, even if it was only just as far as he would allow her.

"You're not alone," she whispered.

Again, that damned eye contact.

His eyes were filled with affection.

She was touched without being touched.

Their souls touched for a moment.

Then he tore his gaze from her and looked ahead.

"I don't want you to think I don't care about any of this. It's not that, trust me. I know the pressure I'm under and the responsibility I have," he added, his voice trembled under emotion. 

"I don't have a choice. You don't have to understand that"


hey friends <3 don't forget to vote, comment and add to your library!

how do you think this will turn out for Nora over the next few chapters? 

I've been seeing your kind and funny comments and they mean so much to me, so thank you very very very much! :) they motivate me so much to keep writing, even though uni has been fucking me up lately :D I have two more exams and then I am in summer break for three weeks.

how are all of you doing, what's been going on?

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