38 - drunk texting

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Dec. 1st

Nora's head was spinning as she threw her head back and downed a shot down her throat. She squinted her eyes and shook her head in disgust as her taste buds identified the tequila.

She was in a club with her work colleagues. It was three in the morning. She was drunk as hell.

And she was angry.
Very angry.

The music rattled through the darkened nightclub, the bass made the bottles on the bar shake and Nora saw blurrily how her sweating and laughing colleagues danced. But she wasn't dancing, she just stood there.

She had actually had a nice evening up to that point.

She had pleasant people around her, had been happy, had danced and had good conversations. But after about the fifth shot, her thoughts had taken on a life of their own and her mind had spiralled further and further towards Sully.

This stupid, stupid man.

With every drop of alcohol that slid down her throat, she saw his face more clearly before her inner eyes. At some point she had been so distracted that she had left the dance floor and stood alone at the bar. Now she hung on to her thoughts.

It was now December and Nora had no idea how Sully was doing. How Jaq was doing. Or Dushane and Dris. She had spoken to Sully twice on the phone and he had become colder and colder with time, his text messages drier and the information sparser. She had thought that maybe after their last meeting they would see each other more often, but for some reason Sully had been inhibited.

The whole thing had developed into Nora trying to distract herself. By going out partying with work colleagues, for example - which had obviously backfired.

The glaring phone screen lit up her face when she switched on her phone. Her hair was messy and her make up was mixed with sweat. Definitely not her best look.

In her drunken state, she went to chat with Sully, read through the messages.

But no matter how hard she tried, the letters blurred before her eyes, danced around and made absolutely no sense.

Nora sighed in annoyance and had to brace herself against the bar as she momentarily lost her balance.

Fuck it.
She started typing.

'You asshole.
You are asshole.'

She was just angry at him and everything he had done. She was angry because she didn't know where he was. Because she didn't know what they both were to each other. She was angry because he had promised to text her and then at some point had not.

Instead he had texted her weird messages and excuses. She squinted her eyes, scrolled through the chat and tried again to read his stupid excuses.

He had texted her that he didn't want her to be associated with him. The situation was difficult, dangerous, whatever, and for some reason the oh-so-clever Sully thought that a short message would doom Nora.

He had texted her that he wanted to protect her and that he was no good for her.

No shit.

He really didn't need to explain that to her.
She already knew that herself.

But still, it was her own legitimate (and delusional) decision if she wanted to spend time with an irresponsible drug dealer.

She scrolled through their chats for a few minutes, waiting for Sully to respond.

She could hardly believe her own eyes when she suddenly saw that the message she had sent had been read. At that moment. Read.

He read it.

Nora saw that he was tiping.

S: Are you drunk?

N: no you're drunk

N: dickhead

S: Nora where are you?

N: none of your business, asshole

S: Tell me where you are and I'll send someone to pick you up.

N: you ain't doing nothing.

N: you didn't text me so you don't get to pick me up either.

Everything was spinning around her as she stared at the screen.

Sully was tiping.

She had to grin because of her own grandiose messages. When she was drunk, Nora found herself even funnier than usual. Even though she was really downright funny otherwise too.

S: I'll send someone

N: no
N: fuck you

S: Don't talk like that

S: And I'll send someone

S: Where are you

N: nope

S: Nora, come on.

N: why didn't you text me?

She knew she might be destroying the playful atmosphere, but she couldn't think of anything else.

For a moment she saw Sully typing. Then he deleted his answer and the three dots went out. Then he typed again.

S: You are not supposed to have contact with me right now, it's better that way.

N: but I want to have contact with you

One disadvantage of excessive drinking: absolutely no dignity any more.

S: Then let me send someone

N: are you too gangster to come yourself?

S: Nora

S: That's not possible right now.

N: then I can't tell you where I am either.

N: i'm having so much fun anyway

N: don't need you

S: I know you don't

S: Can you drink some water, please

N: you can't tell me nothing

Then she put her phone in her pocket and closed her eyes for a moment. The music was loud and yet the text messages echoed in her head.

Why did he think he could control her? What a moron.
What was going to happen to her here?

She ignored the vibrating phone in her pocket and went back to her colleagues. When the DJ played the next song, Nora started to dance. But while everything was spinning around her and everyone was dancing exuberantly and bawling along to the song lyrics, Nora couldn't get rid of the painful twinge that was in her heart.

A painful twinge that made her think of Sully until the sun came up again.


hi guys, I hope you're all doing good :) I know this chapter is a bit different but pls trust the process <3 love

DARK LONDON NIGHTS // sully from top boyWhere stories live. Discover now