jealousy is a disease💙

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Author: me_her_themoon

Louis takes the phone and, sure enough, there are fifty fucking calls from Harry. He knows that Louis is onstage right now, no doubt watching a fans livestream, so why the fuck is he calling Louis so much?

He takes a quick second to send him a text, just a simple stop calling, will facetime after show before handing the phone back to Oli.

Louis has a show to perform.


The last note of Out Of My System plays and Louis runs off the stage, only having three minutes to take a piss before getting back out there. The crowd is absolutely wild tonight, but Louis can't really blame them. He played High In California (in Ohio, mind you, gotta keep the fans on their toes) and he's wearing a tight fitting, black tank top.

It was his plan for the crowd to go insane. And, just like all of his plans, it was executed perfectly.

He zips up his pants quickly, the entire backstage vibrating from the screams of fans wanting the encore to happen. He's about to go back out when Oli stops him.

"Dude, Harry has been calling you the entire fucking show. Please do something about him before I block him." Oli thrusts the phone into Louis' hand, clearly exasperated by Louis' husband.

Louis takes the phone and, sure enough, there are fifty fucking calls from Harry. He knows that Louis is onstage right now, no doubt watching a fans livestream, so why the fuck is he calling Louis so much?

He takes a quick second to send him a text, just a simple stop calling, will facetime after show before handing the phone back to Oli.

Louis has a show to perform.

It's about an hour after the show has finished, when Louis is tucked into his little bunk on the tour bus, that he realizes Harry had called him only a few more times since Louis texted him. Hearing the snores of his bandmates, he decides to walk to the back of the bus. He usually sleeps in the bunks with his band, but there's few times where he needs to be alone. It isn't his fault he has a long-distance husband who he's incredibly horny for.

Without waiting another second, since it has to be the middle of the fucking night for Harry all the way over in Paris, he clicks the small facetime button.

Harry picks up immediately, his face stormy and eyebrows furrowed. Louis doesn't even get to say hello before Harry's speaking, "What the fuck was that, Louis?"

"Do you mean my amazing performance or how I sang High In California?" Louis decides to be a smartass. As if he isn't one every minute of every day. Technicalities.

"I mean, you wearing a tank top. I thought we agreed that we were going to show each other the outfits we were wearing? That is not the graphic tee you showed me!" Harry's lips start to snarl, and Louis would be scared if he knew that Harry wasn't the softest person ever.

Louis chuckles, "Oh, come on. I had to surprise you! I knew you'd get all animalistic and it's fucking hot when you do that." Just thinking about it makes Louis' cock twitch in his loose shorts.

" Louis , your entire arms were just out there . And your armpits? Are you joking?"

"Oh, not you too." Louis rolls his eyes fondly. HIs fans are obsessed with the weirdest parts of his body, honestly. It ranges from ankles to armpits, even the nape of his neck. He's never understood it, but what does he know?

Harry shuffles a bit, turning on the light beside the bed in his hotel, illuminating his face better. Louis can see the tired lines of his eyes, and he suddenly feels guilty for keeping Harry up for so long. He did an entire arena show today and yet he's still up, watching Louis. Fuck, he loves him.

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