the devil's in the details💚

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Author: raspberryoats

He squeals when Harry smacks his bum as he bends over to pick up his bag, swinging it over his shoulder. Harry smiles smugly at him, bottom lip caught between his teeth. "When are you going to start calling me professor?" He asks.

"When you actually are one," Louis says with his hand on the doorknob. He cocks his head to the side in curiosity. "Isn't that how words work? You did study English, right?"

Louis' quick to slip out the door before Harry can smack him again, his laugh echoing through the hallways as he makes his way to his next class with flushed cheeks and a bright smile.

or the one where harry's on his way to becoming a professor and louis is the smart, bratty student


Fall in California is really just an extended summer that Louis happily accepts as long as he can lay in the grass, eyes closed and bare stomach out as it takes in the warmth of the sun. He's suited for the summer—too much energy to be confined in the house, loves feeling the heat on his skin, and loves wild house parties. Well, not that he went to a lot of house parties this summer. Louis was busy with other things and just the thought of the summer has him smiling under the sun, his hand trailing over his sun-kissed belly. He wouldn't be able to stand any winter outside of California, which Zayn takes every moment to remind him.

"—and there's so much snow that you can't even see out your fucking window," Zayn groans, slamming his book shut.

Louis stretches his neck to peek one eye open and glance over to him. Unlike Louis' love for the sun, Zayn opted for shade offered by the large tree, leaning back against the tree trunk. His legs stretch out before him in ripped denim jeans, paired with an even more ripped long-sleeve shirt. Apparently Zayn prefers to wear clothes that literally hang by a thread rather than just throwing on shorts and a regular shirt like everyone else. Zayn seeks the shade like a stray animal seeks shelter in the middle of winter.

Louis laughs in amusement and shifts his head on his bag that serves as his makeshift pillow. He's gotten too comfortable and spoiled with a different type of makeshift pillow throughout the past year and his bag pales in comparison, but he'll get used to it. Louis has a feeling he's going to have to get used to a lot of things this semester.

"That's why I belong in California," Louis sighs contently, sliding his shirt higher on his stomach so he can feel more of the sun's rays on his bare skin. He stretches his legs out his shorts, allowing his legs to get kissed by the sun. He winces slightly at the pain in his ass, lifting his hips and wiggling them before settling back down. "Winters here don't go below 55."

He hears Zayn faintly mumbling to himself about how you're so spoiled and you'd never survive winters in New York because the only thing that Zayn repeats other than Louis' weakness towards the cold, is that he's from New York.

"Oh, hey!" Zayn suddenly shouts, disrupting Louis' peace.

Reluctantly, Louis raises a hand as a shield to cover his eyes, letting them adjust. When they finally come into focus, he sees a tall man in a black shirt tucked inside beige trousers (that in Louis' opinion, are sitting way too high on his waist). His brown curls bounce with the occasional breeze that whips by them, causing a lock to fall in front of his eyes. He carries a couple of books in one hand and a full coffee cup in the other.

Louis quips a curious eyebrow. Second cup of coffee and it's only ten in the morning.

"Hey, Professor Styles!" Zayn waves.

The man's eyes glide to Louis, flicking to his bare stomach for a fraction of a second. They're used to fleeting looks, quick enough to not rouse suspicion but enough to let the other know what they're saying. Louis gets it now, even when the man's eyes flick back to Zayn. He sees how his hand grips his coffee cup a little tighter, his arm muscle flexing as he adjusts the books in his other hand, the little huff of breath he exhales before stretching a smile across his pink lips.

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