thighs are for fuckin💚

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Author: me_her_themoon

The rest of his team are on the bus when he finally gets on, and with just a few smiles to the lads, he heads to the back, closing the door behind him. It's dark, of course, as no one's been back here, so Louis fumbles toward the light switch, finding it and flicking it on.

"What the fuck." Louis stands there, mouth dropped open, as he meets green eyes across the room.


"Thank you Sterling Heights!" Louis' voice rings out throughout the venue, the crowd screaming back at him with the force of an entire army. He giggles to himself, running off the stage once the confetti drops from the ceiling, effectively ending the show.

Oli is there, as he always is, with a wide smile and a pat on the back, congratulating Louis for yet another amazing show. Louis feels as though he's high on cocaine or something of the sort, despite not having done it since the One Direction days.

He does his usual post-show ritual with his band, each member taking a shot of tequila to end the night. They normally go out to a bar or do something more extravagant, but since they have to be in Cincinnati tomorrow , the timing didn't really work out great. They essentially have to leave now in order to have time for Louis to rehearse and sound check.

"Lou," Oli stops him when he steps onto the tour bus, grabbing his arm and bringing him back a few steps, allowing the rest of the band to enter. "Go straight to the back."

Louis tilts his head in confusion, "What the fuck are you on, mate? I slept in the back of the bus last night."

"I know that, but once you see what's back there, you will be doing all of us a favor." Oli pats Louis' shoulder and then gets onto the bus, leaving Louis befuddled on the pavement.

The rest of his team are on the bus when he finally gets on, and with just a few smiles to the lads, he heads to the back, closing the door behind him. It's dark, of course, as no one's been back here, so Louis fumbles toward the light switch, finding it and flicking it on.

"What the fuck." Louis stands there, mouth dropped open, as he meets green eyes across the room.

Harry smirks, smug as ever. He's lounging on the couch as if he's meant to be here, so casual with one leg bent at the knee and the other stretched on his side. "Hi, Lou."

Louis' throat feels dry, unable to comprehend Harry not only being in the States, but being in Louis' tour bus. "What the fuck are you doing here? Don't you literally have a show tomorrow?"

"Nope." Harry shakes his head, but then retracts his answer, "Well, if I was still in Europe, yes, but I'm not. I have a flight from Cincinnati to Amsterdam already set up." He waves his hand in the air, as if to dismiss the conversation. "Why aren't you over here?"

Without another second to waste, Louis lunges for Harry, who catches him in his arms easily. They quickly connect their lips, both moaning at the sensation spreading throughout their bodies. It's been too fucking long since he's been in Harry's arm, able to smell Harry and taste Harry. All things Harry, really.

"Can't believe you wore fucking shorts up there." Harry growls against Louis' neck. He so badly wants Harry to mark him up, but they both know that it isn't possible with their current schedules, so Harry relents to small sucks that will not leave a trace.

"'S hot, not my fault." Louis whimpers pathetically when Harry's hands trace the waistband of Louis' shorts.

"I think," Louis is able to feel the hot breath on the shell of his ear, the low vibration of Harry's voice sending shivers throughout his body, "You wanted me to punish you."

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