Got Me Feeling So Incredible💙

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Author: likelarry

Louis doesn't see Harry in a month so of course when Harry is back, he wants him all to himself.

This time though, Louis decides to try something new; to stick a vibrator in Harry while he also fucks him.


Louis hasn't seen Harry in a month. A whole fucking month. He's dying. He misses Harry's morning cuddles, his plump lips, dorky laugh and clumsy legs.

Not the mention the fact that he's horny as fuck.

It's not like they're sex maniacs or anything but they do it when they can and the fact is that they haven't. For over a month they haven't. Because they couldn't.

And of course when Harry is back from his trip, Gemma insists on throwing him a party which means Louis has to share him the second he comes back. Which... He doesn't mind, he just thought he'd have some time with his baby alone first.

"You look incredible," Louis says, picking Harry off of his feet and kissing him shortly before putting him down.

"I haven't changed anything," Harry says with a confused grin.

Louis shakes his head, eyes moving to Harry's hair. "Your hair has grown out a bit more. Curls look beautiful on you."

Harry's cheeks flush. "Thank you, you always look hot."

Louis laughs. "Come on then, I've missed you so much. Can't wait to have you next me again."

Harry kisses him one more time before they head to the car.

Harry is of course surprised when he sees everyone at the house. Not too many people-- just a few friends and his immediate family.

They make make small talk but louis can tell Harry is tired after only an hour which is when he asks Gemma to end it early.

She rolls her eyes. "You just want to fuck my little brother."

Louis widens his eyes at her blunt words. "No, I'm --- he really does seem tired."

And it's the truth. Louis wouldnt force Harry into doing anything if he wasn't up for it. That's how consent works.

"Fine," she huffs, "I guess we can come and see him again during the weekend."

Louis smiles gratefully. "Yes, of course. Maybe for brunch on Sunday?"

Gemma seems to like the idea and within half an hour, everyone else manages to get out of the house, leaving Harry and Louis alone.

"Cuddle?" Harry asks as soon as they get into their bedroom.

Louis smiles. "Get rid of your clothes first and then we can cuddle."

"Only cuddling," Harry warns.

Louis rolls his eyes. "I promise to behave, don't worry."

Harry laughs, pulling off his clothes and quickly using the loo before joining Louis in bed.

Louis spoons him from behind and within no time they're both asleep.


"I want to have some fun with you," Louis tells him, rubbing his hands up and down Harry's bare thighs.

They're both naked, already hard. It's a perfect start to a saturday morning really. Especially after Harry's all well and rested now.

"Always," Harry swallows, "what do you want to try?"

"We've done it once before and you fell into a deep subspace afterwards..." Louis' cock twitches at the memory.

Harry frowns. "What is it?"

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