Chapter 5: Summer job

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The door opens wide and a yellowish-brown bear mask with burnt looks scares you. You yelp and jolt as a deep voice bursts out laughing. Uncle Ben appears in the doorway.

" - Why, hello there, [Y/n]! It's good to see you around again.

- Uncle, you frightened me!

- Well, mission accomplished!"

You roll your eyes back with a smirk.

"Anyway, come in, I'm not gonna leave you outside, am I?"

You get welcomed by the coolness residing in the house, which is a good thing compared to the hot summer you're living in. As always, a whole bowl of candy is waiting for you on the dinner table with your favorite drink.

" - Uncle, come on, I'm not a child anymore.

- Who cares? You'll always be a kid for me."

You settle down and start drinking your drink as he makes coffee for himself.

" - You're still drinking coffee in summer?!

- Y'know, some things never change."

As soon as he says that, he accidentaly drops a cup that shatters on the ground.

" - Bloody hell!

- Indeed, some things never change." You giggle.

After cleaning up his mess, he sits down in front of you, an intact cup of coffee in his hands.

" - So, tell me, how's everything doin' for ya?

- Well, it's always the same stuff, you know: being left alone at home and surviving at school.

- I'm so sorry for you." He sighs.

You look down at the mask he used to scare you a while ago. As you noticed first, it's a bear mask with a weird yellowish-brown mixed with green color and burnt looks that make it look like a watermelon. The facemask also has a little black top hat and is missing its left ear while the eyes are pitch black.

" - Where did you find such a horrifying accessory?

- Oh, I got it from the new horror attraction that was built a few roads ahead.

- A new horror attraction? In this godforsaken hole?

- Believe it or not, but we are allowed to have our own entertainments too, even if we can't really choose them, but that's better than nothing!

- Would you bring me to that place one day?

- Oh, I have a better offer for you if you want to. This time, your ability will be very useful.

- Uncle, I don't want to use it anymore. I'm constantly judged because of it.

- I understand, [Y/n], but this time, it's different. You won't be a freak show this time, but rather an employee.

- What does that mean?

- I read that they were looking for two people right now: a night guard and someone who could see ghosts.

- Why would they need such people?

- The night guard would watch over the attraction obviously at night to make sure that no one tries to break in.

- How about the second kind of person?

- They didn't mention on their website why they needed such a person for their business. But hey, if you're interested, it's 120$ for a week.

- Well, that's still some money I could put aside for when I'm older.

- So, what do you think about it?

- We can go there as soon as you want.

- Alright! Let's go right away!"

The Dead Shall Rest (Phantom Freddy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now