Chapter 10: Night 2

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When you enter your office to start your second night, you still feel like someone else is with you, but this time, it seems... different... as if that entity was trying to find out what you were doing in here.

"Hey [man], okay, I have some awesome news for you. First of all we found some vintage audio training cassettes. [Dude] these are like prehistoric! I think they were like, training tapes, for like other employees or something like that. So, I thought we could like, have them playing, like, over the speakers as people walk through the attraction. [Dude], that'd make this feel LEGIT [man]. But I have an even better surprise for you, and you're not gonna believe this! We found one. A real one. Uh-oh-uh, gotta go [man]. Uh, we-well look, it-it's in there somewhere, I'm-I'm sure you'll see it. Okay, I'll leave you with some of this great audio that I found. Talk to you later [man]!"

"Why does that mean "a real one"?"

You check the cameras and see a shadow looking like a bunny standing in CAM 08. You're not sure if this is normal or not, but just in case, you decide to keep that thing away from your location by playing an audio in the room nearby. You check CAM 09 to see whether the lure worked or not. Good job, it did! You check the other cameras until you see a boy's face staring at you through one of the cameras. As you lift up your camera pannel, the child is in your office, right in front of you. You jolt and back away, letting out a little yelp.

" - Wh-what are you?

- Who are you?

-Wait, you can talk?

- Of course I can. Now, tell me your name.

- I-I'm [Y/n].

- I guess you're the new nightguard, huh.

- I am, you reply while rebooting the camera system.

- We also heard you calling us yesterday.

- So you were that chilly wind I felt behind me?

- No, this wasn't me, but it was one of us indeed. He'd like to meet you tomorrow.

- Since when do I have appointments with phantoms?

- You don't want to mess with us, I swear. By the way you should be checking where he is.

- Who are you talking about-"

You check the cameras and notice the bunny getting closer to your office.

"Shit, shit, shit!"

You quickly activate an audio lure in the room behind him, leading him further from your position. You suddenly hear a loud static noise. You lift your head up and see a weird-looking fox robot looking at you. They look burnt like the boy you met a few moments ago and the mask that your uncle owns. You need to reboot the audio system.

" - Hello?

- Hello, sweetie.

- Who are you?

- You can call me Mangle if you feel like it. And you are...?

- Um, [Y/n].

- What a beautiful name! I've heard that you were the new security guard who's here to help us.

- I don't think I'm here to help you, though.

- So you aren't the investigator?

- I mean, I am, but how are you related to this?

- The answer is simple: we are the phantoms.

- What does that mean?"

Before they could answer you, the clock strikes 6 AM.

"See you soon, [Y/n]! I'm sure he'll be happy to meet you."

The Dead Shall Rest (Phantom Freddy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now