Chapter 18: 20 years later

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You've been going to Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction for many years, but didn't succeed in seeing neither Freddy nor any other phantoms again. You decided to move away and lived in another state/country. You have a job and own a little cottage. Your only companion is a [favorite fur color] [favorite breed] dog that you named Goliath in honor of Nancy's pet. You've been living away from the city and only get out of your home when you had to go to work or buy groceries. Besides that, you've been searching for your cousin as your uncle asked you, but you haven't found anything that could lead you to him.

This morning, you feel like something special will happen today. You're not really sure why, but it just seems that everything around you has changed. As always, as soon as you get up, you are welcomed by Goliath jumping on the bed, happy to see that you are still alive.

"Morning, Goliath." You say, petting his head.

Your loyal companion barks with joy and wags his tail. You open the curtains and contemplate the rising sun on the horizon. You get dressed and go to work after taking your dog at your neighbors' for the day.

Your neighbours are a sweet old couple who don't have any children. However, they have a dog aswell, which was great for Goliath. The two animals went along very well in no time and enjoy playing together as much as they can. Moreover, the two older people are very nice to you and always offer you a cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate before going to work and on your way back home. You usualy accept unless you are in a hurry. The little family makes you think about Nancy, Jeremy and Goliath. Then you think about Sarah, wondering if she's happier in her current life. You wash the memories off and focus on your daily routine.

After work, you decide to go to the store to buy some food for the week when someone accidentaly bumps into you. You trip and are about to fall when that same person catches you.

" - I'm sorry! Are you okay?

- Y-yes, I'm fine."

You stand back up and look at the individual that almost made you fall.

He is a tall swarthy guy with dark brown hair and eyes. He was dressed all in black with a leather jacket. He has a necklace wrapped around his neck and looks confident about himself.

" - I'm truly sorry for bumping into you... But... you look familiar...

- I... don't think I know you, though.

- Can you just... tell me what your name is?

- [Y/n].

- [Y/n]... I feel like knowing this name... The name's Aaron, by the way.

- Aaron?!

- Uh... yes?

- Maybe you are the one I've been looking for for many years.

- My father told me that someone needed to find me.

-  Is your father named Ben by any chance?

- He is, why?

- Aaron... you're my cousin!"

He looks at you, wided-eyed.

" - [Y/n]? Is... is that you?

- It's me, cousin."

You hug each other in a tight embrace.

" - I never thought you would find me.

- Well, it took me 20 years, but I did it.

- Where do you live? We need to talk about a lot of things together."

You give him your address and wave goodbye. Shortly after, you pick up your dog from your neighbors' house and head back home.

In the evening, Aaron comes at your place. He is greeted by Goliath with a growl.

"Don't worry, Goliath. He's a friend."

The dog calms down and wags his tail. You settle down in the dinning room.

" - I guess what you have to tell me has something to do with Fazbear's Fright, right?

- Exactly. I'm sorry for bringing bad memories back, but I have no choice.

- How are you aware of everything that happened in there?

- Dad told me about it.

- But he's...

- Yeah, I know. We share the same ability, [Y/n].

- Well, it looks like my parents are the weirdos in this story.

- Probably. Anyway, I don't have much time so let's make this quick.

- What's the matter?

- You need to know some things before I die.

- Why would you die? You look in great shape.

- I'm not a very clean person, [Y/n]. I've done things that will put me in jail. So, before I get caught, there is some information that you need to learn.

- Go ahead then.

- The work you started at the horror attraction was just a glimpse of what has to be done. You need to ensure that the next generation carries on that objective.

- Aaron, I'm alone in here. I don't have any partner or children. Do you want me to send Goliath there maybe?

- Very funny... I'm not forcing you, but if you want Fazbear's Fright's mystery to be solved, you'll have to either pass your mission to your offspring or friends that could help you out."

You sigh.

"This is only the beginning, [Y/n]. This story is far from over."

You hear sirens in a distance.

"Shit! They're already here! I gotta go, [Y/n]. Please, find a way to set them free. Goodbye."

He leaves you before you can reply anything.

"The show must go on."

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